25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

mkdocs.yml 1.2 KiB

2 년 전
  1. # Project information
  2. site_name: 'Pinry Docs'
  3. site_description: 'Docs for the Pinry project.'
  4. site_author: "Pinry's Contributors"
  5. site_url: 'https://docs.getpinry.com/'
  6. # Repository
  7. repo_name: 'pinry/pinry'
  8. repo_url: 'https://github.com/pinry/pinry'
  9. # Copyright
  10. copyright: "Copyright © 2019 Pinry's Contributors"
  11. # Navigation
  12. nav:
  13. - Home: 'index.md'
  14. - Screenshots: 'screenshots.md'
  15. - Extensions: 'extensions.md'
  16. - Theories: 'theories.md'
  17. - Install with Docker: 'install-with-docker.md'
  18. - Development: 'development.md'
  19. - API support: 'api.md'
  20. - Plugin System: 'plugin-system.md'
  21. - Upgrade Guide: 'upgrade-guide.md'
  22. - Docs: 'docs.md'
  23. - Passwords: 'passwords.md'
  24. - Assets: 'assets.md'
  25. - Contributing: 'contributing.md'
  26. - License: 'license.md'
  27. # Configuration
  28. docs_dir: 'docs/src'
  29. site_dir: 'docs/dist'
  30. edit_uri: 'edit/master/docs/src/'
  31. theme:
  32. name: 'material'
  33. language: 'en'
  34. palette:
  35. primary: 'indigo'
  36. accent: 'indigo'
  37. font:
  38. text: 'Roboto'
  39. code: 'Roboto Mono'
  40. # Customization
  41. extra:
  42. manifest: 'manifest.webmanifest'
  43. social:
  44. - icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt
  45. link: 'https://github.com/pinry/pinry'
  46. markdown_extensions:
  47. - codehilite
  48. - toc:
  49. permalink: true