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156 lines
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. import os
  3. import tempfile
  4. import sys
  5. import subprocess
  6. import urllib.parse
  7. JS = [
  8. 'js/libpannellum.js',
  9. 'js/pannellum.js',
  10. ]
  11. CSS = [
  12. 'css/pannellum.css',
  13. ]
  14. HTML = [
  15. 'standalone/pannellum.htm'
  16. ]
  17. def merge(files):
  18. buffer = []
  19. for filename in files:
  20. with open(os.path.join('../..', 'src', filename), 'r') as f:
  21. buffer.append(
  22. return "".join(buffer)
  23. def read(filename):
  24. with open(os.path.join('../..','src',filename), 'r') as f:
  25. return
  26. def output(text, filename):
  27. with open(os.path.join('../..', 'build', filename), 'w') as f:
  28. f.write(text)
  29. def JScompress(text):
  30. in_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  31. with os.fdopen(in_tuple[0], 'w') as handle:
  32. handle.write(text)
  33. out_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  34. os.system("java -jar compiler.jar --language_in=ECMASCRIPT5 --warning_level=QUIET --js %s --js_output_file %s" % (in_tuple[1], out_tuple[1]))
  35. with os.fdopen(out_tuple[0], 'r') as handle:
  36. compressed =
  37. os.unlink(in_tuple[1])
  38. os.unlink(out_tuple[1])
  39. return compressed
  40. def cssCompress(text):
  41. in_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  42. with os.fdopen(in_tuple[0], 'w') as handle:
  43. handle.write(text)
  44. out_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  45. os.system("java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar %s --type css -o %s --charset utf-8 -v" % (in_tuple[1], out_tuple[1]))
  46. with os.fdopen(out_tuple[0], 'r') as handle:
  47. compressed =
  48. os.unlink(in_tuple[1])
  49. os.unlink(out_tuple[1])
  50. return compressed
  51. def htmlCompress(text):
  52. in_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  53. with os.fdopen(in_tuple[0], 'w') as handle:
  54. handle.write(text)
  55. out_tuple = tempfile.mkstemp()
  56. os.system("java -jar htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar --remove-intertag-spaces --remove-quotes -o %s %s" % (out_tuple[1], in_tuple[1]))
  57. with os.fdopen(out_tuple[0], 'r') as handle:
  58. compressed =
  59. os.unlink(in_tuple[1])
  60. os.unlink(out_tuple[1])
  61. return compressed
  62. def addHeaderHTML(text, version):
  63. text = text.replace('<!DOCTYPE HTML>','');
  64. header = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<!-- Pannellum ' + version + ', -->\n'
  65. return header + text
  66. def addHeaderCSS(text, version):
  67. header = '/* Pannellum ' + version + ', */\n'
  68. return header + text
  69. def addHeaderJS(text, version):
  70. header = '// Pannellum ' + version + ',\n'
  71. return header + text
  72. def build(files, css, html, filename, release=False):
  73. folder = ''
  74. os.makedirs('../../build', exist_ok=True)
  75. cssfilename = filename + '.css'
  76. htmlfilename = filename + '.htm'
  77. filename = filename + '.js'
  78. print('=' * 40)
  79. print('Compiling', filename)
  80. print('=' * 40)
  81. js = merge(files)
  82. if release:
  83. version = read('../VERSION').strip()
  84. else:
  85. if os.path.exists('../../.git'):
  86. version = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode('utf-8').strip()
  87. else:
  88. print('No .git folder detected, setting version to testing')
  89. version = "testing"
  90. js = js.replace('"_blank">Pannellum</a>','"_blank">Pannellum</a> ' + version)
  91. with open('../../src/standalone/standalone.js', 'r') as f:
  92. standalone_js =
  93. standalone_js = JScompress(js + standalone_js)
  94. js = JScompress(js)
  95. print('=' * 40)
  96. print('Compiling', cssfilename)
  97. print('=' * 40)
  98. css = merge(css)
  99. css = css.replace("'img/grab.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/grab.svg'),'') + "'")
  100. css = css.replace("'img/grabbing.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/grabbing.svg'),'') + "'")
  101. with open('../../src/standalone/standalone.css', 'r') as f:
  102. standalone_css =
  103. standalone_css = cssCompress(css + standalone_css)
  104. standalone_css = standalone_css.replace("'img/sprites.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/sprites.svg'),'') + "'")
  105. standalone_css = standalone_css.replace("'img/background.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/background.svg'),'') + "'")
  106. standalone_css = standalone_css.replace("'img/compass.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/compass.svg'),'') + "'")
  107. css = cssCompress(css)
  108. css = css.replace("'img/sprites.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/sprites.svg'),'') + "'")
  109. css = css.replace("'img/background.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/background.svg'),'') + "'")
  110. css = css.replace("'img/compass.svg'","'data:image/svg+xml," + urllib.parse.quote(read('css/img/compass.svg'),'') + "'")
  111. print('=' * 40)
  112. print('Compiling', htmlfilename)
  113. print('=' * 40)
  114. html = merge(html)
  115. html = html.replace('<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="../css/pannellum.css"/>','<style type="text/css">' + standalone_css + '</style>')
  116. html = html.replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/libpannellum.js"></script>','')
  117. html = html.replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/pannellum.js"></script>','<script type="text/javascript">' + standalone_js + '</script>')
  118. html = html.replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="standalone.js"></script>','')
  119. html = html.replace('<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="standalone.css"/>', '')
  120. html = htmlCompress(html)
  121. output(addHeaderHTML(html, version), folder + htmlfilename)
  122. output(addHeaderCSS(css, version), folder + cssfilename)
  123. output(addHeaderJS(js, version), folder + filename)
  124. def main():
  125. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # cd to script dir
  126. if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'release'):
  127. build(JS, CSS, HTML, 'pannellum', True)
  128. else:
  129. build(JS, CSS, HTML, 'pannellum')
  130. if __name__ == "__main__":
  131. main()