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adopted fragment shader

Nico Höllerich 7 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 70 aggiunte e 0 eliminazioni
  1. +70

+ 70
- 0
src/js/libpannellum.js Vedi File

@@ -1291,6 +1291,76 @@ var fragEquirectangular = fragEquiCubeBase + [

var fragEquirectangularMulti = function (rows, cols) {
return [
'precision mediump float;',

'uniform float u_aspectRatio;',
'uniform float u_psi;',
'uniform float u_theta;',
'uniform float u_f;',
'uniform float u_h;',
'uniform float u_v;',
'uniform float u_vo;',
'uniform float u_rot;',

'const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;',

// Texture
'uniform sampler2D u_images[' + rows*cols +'];',

// Coordinates passed in from vertex shader
'varying vec2 v_texCoord;',

// Background color (display for partial panoramas)
'uniform vec4 u_backgroundColor;',

'vec4 getSampleFromArray(int ndx, vec2 uv) {',
'vec4 color;',
// arrays must be accessed via constant index or loop index with constant bounds
`for (int i = 0; i < ${rows } * ${cols }; ++i){`,
'if(i == ndx)',
'color = texture2D(u_images[i], uv);',
'return color;',

'void main() {',
// Map canvas/camera to sphere
'float x = v_texCoord.x * u_aspectRatio;',
'float y = v_texCoord.y;',
'float sinrot = sin(u_rot);',
'float cosrot = cos(u_rot);',
'float rot_x = x * cosrot - y * sinrot;',
'float rot_y = x * sinrot + y * cosrot;',
'float sintheta = sin(u_theta);',
'float costheta = cos(u_theta);',
'float a = u_f * costheta - rot_y * sintheta;',
'float root = sqrt(rot_x * rot_x + a * a);',
'float lambda = atan(rot_x / root, a / root) + u_psi;',
'float phi = atan((rot_y * costheta + u_f * sintheta) / root);',
// Wrap image
'lambda = mod(lambda + PI, PI * 2.0) - PI;',

// Map texture to sphere
'vec2 coord = vec2(lambda / PI, phi / (PI / 2.0));',

// Look up color from texture
// Map from [-1,1] to [0,1] and flip y-axis
'if(coord.x < -u_h || coord.x > u_h || coord.y < -u_v + u_vo || coord.y > u_v + u_vo)',
'gl_FragColor = u_backgroundColor;',
'vec2 tex_coord = vec2((coord.x + u_h) / (u_h * 2.0), (-coord.y + u_v + u_vo) / (u_v * 2.0));',
`int row = tex_coord.y / u_v * ${rows};`,
`int col = tex_coord.x / u_h * ${cols};`,
`vec2 tex_coord_rel = vec2(tex_coord.x - row / ${rows} * u_h, tex_coord.y - col / ${cols} * u_v);`,
`gl_FragColor = getSampleFromArray(row * ${rows} + col, tex_coord_rel);`,

// Fragment shader
var fragMulti = [
'varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord;',
