@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Pannellum is a lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web. B
## How to use
1. Upload `build/pannellum.htm` and a full equirectangular panorama to a web server.
* Due to browser security restrictions, a web server must be used locally as well. With Python 2, one can use `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`, and with Python 3, one can use `python -m http.server`, but any other web server will work as well.
2. Use the included configuration tool (`configuration.htm`).
* `Pannellum Location` is the address of `pannellum.htm` and can be either a full or relative path (relative to the page containing the `<iframe>`).
* `Panorama URL` is the address of the panorama image file and can be either a full or relative path (relative to `pannellum.htm`).
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ Since Pannellum is built with emerging web standards, it requires a modern brows
* Firefox 10+
* Chrome 15+
* Safari 5.1+ (WebGL support must first be enabled in preferences)
* Internet Explorer 11+
#### Almost full support (no full screen):
* Firefox 4+
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ Since Pannellum is built with emerging web standards, it requires a modern brows
* Opera 12+ (WebGL support must first be enabled in preferences)
#### No support:
Internet Explorer (all versions)
Internet Explorer 10 and previous
## Building
The `utils` folder contains the required build tools, with the exception of Python 2.x and Java installations. To build a minified version of Pannellum, run either `build.sh` or `build.bat` depending on your platform.