- # Size for the zram memory used, it defines the mem_limit for the zram device.
- # The default is 20M and is basically enough for minimal applications.
- # Because aplications can often vary in logging frequency this may have to be tweaked to suit application .
- SIZE=20M
- # COMP_ALG this is any compression algorithm listed in /proc/crypto
- # lz4 is fastest with lightest load but deflate (zlib) and Zstandard (zstd) give far better compression ratios
- # lzo is very close to lz4 and may with some binaries have better optimisation
- # COMP_ALG=lz4 for speed or deflate for compression, lzo or zlib if optimisation or availabilty is a problem
- COMP_ALG=lz4
- # LOG_DISK_SIZE is the uncompressed disk size. Note zram uses about 0.1% of the size of the disk when not in use
- # LOG_DISK_SIZE is expected compression ratio of alg chosen multiplied by log SIZE where 300% is an approx good level.
- # lzo/lz4=2.1:1 compression ratio zlib=2.7:1 zstandard=2.9:1
- # Really a guestimate of a bit bigger than compression ratio whilst minimising 0.1% mem usage of disk size
- # PRUNE_LEVEL if log size is below this level then old logs will be moved to hdd.log enter as %
- # Moving the old logs will restart log rotation as old logs will no longer exist in /var/log/oldlog
- # In normal operation hitting 50% or above can take many hourly cycles so a higher prune level is a balance
- # 55-60% is probably a good level as too high will restart logrotation and create less history