systemctl -q is-active log2ram && { echo "ERROR: log2ram service is still running. Please run \"sudo service log2ram stop\" to stop it."; exit 1; } ;;
systemctl -q is-active log2ram && { echo 'ERROR: log2ram service is still running. Please run "sudo service log2ram stop" to stop it.' ; exit 1 ; } ;;
rc-service log2ram status && { echo "ERROR: log2ram service is still running. Please run \"sudo rc-service log2ram stop\" to stop it."; exit 1; } ;;
rc-service log2ram status 2>1 >/dev/null && { echo 'ERROR: log2ram service is still running. Please run "sudo rc-service log2ram stop" to stop it.' ; exit 1 ; } ;;
*) echo 'ERROR: could not detect init-system' ; exit 1
echo "installing files for ${INIT}..."
# log2ram
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
install -m 755 log2ram /usr/local/bin/log2ram
@@ -46,5 +47,5 @@ rm -rf /var/log.hdd
# Make sure we start clean
rm -rf /var/hdd.log
echo "##### Reboot to activate log2ram #####"
echo "##### edit /etc/log2ram.conf to configure options ####"
echo '##### Reboot to activate log2ram! #####'
echo '##### Edit /etc/log2ram.conf to configure options #####'