- {
- "Advanced options": "Advanced options",
- "Copied": "copied !",
- "Counter": "Counter",
- "CounterFieldHelp": "Increment this value to change generated password without changing your master password.",
- "CreatePassword": "Would you like to create one?",
- "DBNotRunning": "Your LessPass Database is not running",
- "DefaultOptionLocalStorage": "We use local storage to save default options locally. Each time you open the app, those options will be loaded by default.",
- "DeleteProfileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this password profile?",
- "Email": "Email",
- "EmailAlreadyExist": "This email is already registered. Want to login or recover your password?",
- "EmailInvalid": "Please enter a valid email",
- "EmailRequiredError": "We need en email to find your account.",
- "Encrypt my master password": "Encrypt my master password",
- "EncryptMasterPassword": "Click me to encrypt this password before sending it to lesspass.com",
- "ForgotPassword": "Forgot your password?",
- "Generate": "Generate",
- "Generating": "Generating",
- "Length": "Length",
- "Login": "Login",
- "LoginFormInvalid": "LessPass URL, email and password are mandatory",
- "LoginIncorrectError": "The email and password you entered did not match our records. Please double-check and try again.",
- "Master Password": "Master Password",
- "New Password": "New Password",
- "NoMatchFor": "Oops! There are no matches for",
- "NoPassword": "You don't have any password profile saved in your database.",
- "PasswordProfileSuccessfullyDeleted": "Your password profile has been successfully deleted!",
- "PasswordResetRequired": "A password is required",
- "PasswordResetSuccessful": "Your password was reset successfully.",
- "Register": "Register",
- "Reset my password": "Reset my password",
- "ResetLinkExpired": "This password reset link has expired.",
- "Save default options locally": "Save default options locally",
- "Sign In": "Sign In",
- "Site": "Site",
- "SiteLoginMasterPasswordMandatory": "Site, login and master password fields are mandatory.",
- "UpdateYourSearch": "Please try broadening your search.",
- "Version": "Version",
- "WarningV1": "Version 1 is deprecated and will be removed in {dayBeforeOnlyV2} days. We strongly advise you to migrate your passwords to version 2.",
- "WelcomeRegister": "Welcome {email}, thank you for signing up.",
- "version": "version",
- "versionShortcut": "v"
- }