- import test from 'ava';
- import {getDomainName, _ipIsValid, isWebExtension, getCurrentUrl, getSite} from '../src/domain/url-parser';
- test(t => {
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://lesspass.com/#!/'));
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://lesspass.com/api/'));
- t.is('api.lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://api.lesspass.com/'));
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('http://lesspass.com'));
- t.is('stackoverflow.com', getDomainName('http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689423/google-chrome-plugin-how-to-get-domain-from-url-tab-url'));
- t.is('v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com', getDomainName('http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/buttons/'));
- t.is('accounts.google.com', getDomainName('https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&ss=1&scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1#identifier'));
- t.is('www.netflix.com', getDomainName('https://www.netflix.com/browse'));
- t.is('www.bbc.co.uk', getDomainName('https://www.bbc.co.uk'));
- t.is('', getDomainName(''));
- });
- test('getDomainName v2', t => {
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://lesspass.com/#!/', 2));
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://lesspass.com/api/', 2));
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('https://api.lesspass.com/', 2));
- t.is('lesspass.com', getDomainName('http://lesspass.com', 2));
- t.is('stackoverflow.com', getDomainName('http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689423/google-chrome-plugin-how-to-get-domain-from-url-tab-url', 2));
- t.is('getbootstrap.com', getDomainName('http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/buttons/', 2));
- t.is('google.com', getDomainName('https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&ss=1&scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1#identifier', 2));
- t.is('netflix.com', getDomainName('https://www.netflix.com/browse', 2));
- t.is('bbc.co.uk', getDomainName('https://www.bbc.co.uk', 2));
- t.is('', getDomainName('', 2));
- t.is('', getDomainName('', 2));
- t.is('', getDomainName('', 2));
- t.is('', getDomainName(undefined, 2));
- });
- test('ip validator', t => {
- t.true(_ipIsValid(''));
- t.true(_ipIsValid(''));
- t.false(_ipIsValid('210.110'), 'must have 4 octets');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('255'), 'must have 4 octets');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('y.y.y.y'), 'only digits are allowed');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('255.0.0.y'), 'only digits are allowed');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('666.10.10.20'), 'octet number must be between [0-255]');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('4444.11.11.11'), 'octet number must be between [0-255]');
- t.false(_ipIsValid('33.3333.33.3'), 'octet number must be between [0-255]');
- });
- test('get web extension context', t => {
- global.chrome = undefined;
- t.false(isWebExtension())
- });
- test('get web extension context', t => {
- global.chrome = {
- tabs: {
- query(a, b){
- console.log(a, b)
- }
- }
- };
- t.true(isWebExtension())
- });
- test('get current tab', t => {
- const url = 'example.org';
- global.chrome = {
- tabs: {
- query(a, callback){
- callback([{url}])
- }
- }
- };
- return getCurrentUrl().then(currentUrl => {
- t.is(currentUrl, url)
- });
- });
- test('get default site', t => {
- global.chrome = {
- tabs: {
- query(a, callback){
- callback([{url: 'https://example.org'}])
- }
- }
- };
- return getSite().then(site => {
- t.is(site, 'example.org')
- });
- });
- test('get default site if not in web extension', t => {
- global.chrome = undefined;
- return getSite().then(site => {
- t.is(site, '')
- });
- });