# LessPass Web Extension ## Verify the web extension The web extension is just a wrapper around lesspass-pure node module. Source file correspond to the zip downloaded on http://github.com/lesspass/lesspass/archive/${sha256}.zip. {sha256} is the git sha256 use when build was done. ## requirements To rebuild the web extension, you need node, yarn and md5sum to check the md5 sum of the files Tested with: * node version 14.16.0 * yarn version 1.22.5 * md5sum (GNU coreutils) version 8.32 ## unzip source {sha256}.zip unzip {sha256}.zip -d /tmp cd /tmp/lesspass-{sha256} ## Reproduce lesspass.min.js and dist folder with sources cd packages/lesspass-pure yarn install yarn run build cd ../../ find packages/lesspass-web-extension/extension/dist/ -type f -exec md5sum {} \; find packages/lesspass-pure/dist -type f -exec md5sum {} \;