- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import logging
- import logging.config # needed when logging_config doesn't start with logging.config
- import sys
- import warnings
- from copy import copy
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core import mail
- from django.core.mail import get_connection
- from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInNextVersionWarning
- from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
- from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter
- # Default logging for Django. This sends an email to the site admins on every
- # HTTP 500 error. Depending on DEBUG, all other log records are either sent to
- # the console (DEBUG=True) or discarded (DEBUG=False) by means of the
- # require_debug_true filter.
- 'version': 1,
- 'disable_existing_loggers': False,
- 'filters': {
- 'require_debug_false': {
- '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse',
- },
- 'require_debug_true': {
- '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue',
- },
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'INFO',
- 'filters': ['require_debug_true'],
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- },
- 'mail_admins': {
- 'level': 'ERROR',
- 'filters': ['require_debug_false'],
- 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler'
- }
- },
- 'loggers': {
- 'django': {
- 'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'],
- 'level': 'INFO',
- },
- 'py.warnings': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- },
- }
- }
- def configure_logging(logging_config, logging_settings):
- if not sys.warnoptions:
- # Route warnings through python logging
- logging.captureWarnings(True)
- # RemovedInNextVersionWarning is a subclass of DeprecationWarning which
- # is hidden by default, hence we force the "default" behavior
- warnings.simplefilter("default", RemovedInNextVersionWarning)
- if logging_config:
- # First find the logging configuration function ...
- logging_config_func = import_string(logging_config)
- logging.config.dictConfig(DEFAULT_LOGGING)
- # ... then invoke it with the logging settings
- if logging_settings:
- logging_config_func(logging_settings)
- class AdminEmailHandler(logging.Handler):
- """An exception log handler that emails log entries to site admins.
- If the request is passed as the first argument to the log record,
- request data will be provided in the email report.
- """
- def __init__(self, include_html=False, email_backend=None):
- logging.Handler.__init__(self)
- self.include_html = include_html
- self.email_backend = email_backend
- def emit(self, record):
- try:
- request = record.request
- subject = '%s (%s IP): %s' % (
- record.levelname,
- ('internal' if request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in settings.INTERNAL_IPS
- else 'EXTERNAL'),
- record.getMessage()
- )
- except Exception:
- subject = '%s: %s' % (
- record.levelname,
- record.getMessage()
- )
- request = None
- subject = self.format_subject(subject)
- # Since we add a nicely formatted traceback on our own, create a copy
- # of the log record without the exception data.
- no_exc_record = copy(record)
- no_exc_record.exc_info = None
- no_exc_record.exc_text = None
- if record.exc_info:
- exc_info = record.exc_info
- else:
- exc_info = (None, record.getMessage(), None)
- reporter = ExceptionReporter(request, is_email=True, *exc_info)
- message = "%s\n\n%s" % (self.format(no_exc_record), reporter.get_traceback_text())
- html_message = reporter.get_traceback_html() if self.include_html else None
- self.send_mail(subject, message, fail_silently=True, html_message=html_message)
- def send_mail(self, subject, message, *args, **kwargs):
- mail.mail_admins(subject, message, *args, connection=self.connection(), **kwargs)
- def connection(self):
- return get_connection(backend=self.email_backend, fail_silently=True)
- def format_subject(self, subject):
- """
- Escape CR and LF characters, and limit length.
- RFC 2822's hard limit is 998 characters per line. So, minus "Subject: "
- the actual subject must be no longer than 989 characters.
- """
- formatted_subject = subject.replace('\n', '\\n').replace('\r', '\\r')
- return formatted_subject[:989]
- class CallbackFilter(logging.Filter):
- """
- A logging filter that checks the return value of a given callable (which
- takes the record-to-be-logged as its only parameter) to decide whether to
- log a record.
- """
- def __init__(self, callback):
- self.callback = callback
- def filter(self, record):
- if self.callback(record):
- return 1
- return 0
- class RequireDebugFalse(logging.Filter):
- def filter(self, record):
- return not settings.DEBUG
- class RequireDebugTrue(logging.Filter):
- def filter(self, record):
- return settings.DEBUG