- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import warnings
- from collections import deque
- from functools import total_ordering
- from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState
- from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
- from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
- from .exceptions import CircularDependencyError, NodeNotFoundError
- "Maximum recursion depth exceeded while generating migration graph, "
- "falling back to iterative approach. If you're experiencing performance issues, "
- "consider squashing migrations as described at "
- "https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/migrations/#squashing-migrations."
- )
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- @total_ordering
- class Node(object):
- """
- A single node in the migration graph. Contains direct links to adjacent
- nodes in either direction.
- """
- def __init__(self, key):
- self.key = key
- self.children = set()
- self.parents = set()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.key == other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.key < other
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.key)
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return self.key[item]
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.key)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<Node: (%r, %r)>' % self.key
- def add_child(self, child):
- self.children.add(child)
- def add_parent(self, parent):
- self.parents.add(parent)
- # Use manual caching, @cached_property effectively doubles the
- # recursion depth for each recursion.
- def ancestors(self):
- # Use self.key instead of self to speed up the frequent hashing
- # when constructing an OrderedSet.
- if '_ancestors' not in self.__dict__:
- ancestors = deque([self.key])
- for parent in sorted(self.parents):
- ancestors.extendleft(reversed(parent.ancestors()))
- self.__dict__['_ancestors'] = list(OrderedSet(ancestors))
- return self.__dict__['_ancestors']
- # Use manual caching, @cached_property effectively doubles the
- # recursion depth for each recursion.
- def descendants(self):
- # Use self.key instead of self to speed up the frequent hashing
- # when constructing an OrderedSet.
- if '_descendants' not in self.__dict__:
- descendants = deque([self.key])
- for child in sorted(self.children):
- descendants.extendleft(reversed(child.descendants()))
- self.__dict__['_descendants'] = list(OrderedSet(descendants))
- return self.__dict__['_descendants']
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class MigrationGraph(object):
- """
- Represents the digraph of all migrations in a project.
- Each migration is a node, and each dependency is an edge. There are
- no implicit dependencies between numbered migrations - the numbering is
- merely a convention to aid file listing. Every new numbered migration
- has a declared dependency to the previous number, meaning that VCS
- branch merges can be detected and resolved.
- Migrations files can be marked as replacing another set of migrations -
- this is to support the "squash" feature. The graph handler isn't responsible
- for these; instead, the code to load them in here should examine the
- migration files and if the replaced migrations are all either unapplied
- or not present, it should ignore the replaced ones, load in just the
- replacing migration, and repoint any dependencies that pointed to the
- replaced migrations to point to the replacing one.
- A node should be a tuple: (app_path, migration_name). The tree special-cases
- things within an app - namely, root nodes and leaf nodes ignore dependencies
- to other apps.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.node_map = {}
- self.nodes = {}
- self.cached = False
- def add_node(self, key, implementation):
- node = Node(key)
- self.node_map[key] = node
- self.nodes[key] = implementation
- self.clear_cache()
- def add_dependency(self, migration, child, parent):
- if child not in self.nodes:
- raise NodeNotFoundError(
- "Migration %s dependencies reference nonexistent child node %r" % (migration, child),
- child
- )
- if parent not in self.nodes:
- raise NodeNotFoundError(
- "Migration %s dependencies reference nonexistent parent node %r" % (migration, parent),
- parent
- )
- self.node_map[child].add_parent(self.node_map[parent])
- self.node_map[parent].add_child(self.node_map[child])
- self.clear_cache()
- def clear_cache(self):
- if self.cached:
- for node in self.nodes:
- self.node_map[node].__dict__.pop('_ancestors', None)
- self.node_map[node].__dict__.pop('_descendants', None)
- self.cached = False
- def forwards_plan(self, target):
- """
- Given a node, returns a list of which previous nodes (dependencies)
- must be applied, ending with the node itself.
- This is the list you would follow if applying the migrations to
- a database.
- """
- if target not in self.nodes:
- raise NodeNotFoundError("Node %r not a valid node" % (target, ), target)
- # Use parent.key instead of parent to speed up the frequent hashing in ensure_not_cyclic
- self.ensure_not_cyclic(target, lambda x: (parent.key for parent in self.node_map[x].parents))
- self.cached = True
- node = self.node_map[target]
- try:
- return node.ancestors()
- except RuntimeError:
- # fallback to iterative dfs
- warnings.warn(RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING, RuntimeWarning)
- return self.iterative_dfs(node)
- def backwards_plan(self, target):
- """
- Given a node, returns a list of which dependent nodes (dependencies)
- must be unapplied, ending with the node itself.
- This is the list you would follow if removing the migrations from
- a database.
- """
- if target not in self.nodes:
- raise NodeNotFoundError("Node %r not a valid node" % (target, ), target)
- # Use child.key instead of child to speed up the frequent hashing in ensure_not_cyclic
- self.ensure_not_cyclic(target, lambda x: (child.key for child in self.node_map[x].children))
- self.cached = True
- node = self.node_map[target]
- try:
- return node.descendants()
- except RuntimeError:
- # fallback to iterative dfs
- warnings.warn(RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING, RuntimeWarning)
- return self.iterative_dfs(node, forwards=False)
- def iterative_dfs(self, start, forwards=True):
- """
- Iterative depth first search, for finding dependencies.
- """
- visited = deque()
- visited.append(start)
- if forwards:
- stack = deque(sorted(start.parents))
- else:
- stack = deque(sorted(start.children))
- while stack:
- node = stack.popleft()
- visited.appendleft(node)
- if forwards:
- children = sorted(node.parents, reverse=True)
- else:
- children = sorted(node.children, reverse=True)
- # reverse sorting is needed because prepending using deque.extendleft
- # also effectively reverses values
- stack.extendleft(children)
- return list(OrderedSet(visited))
- def root_nodes(self, app=None):
- """
- Returns all root nodes - that is, nodes with no dependencies inside
- their app. These are the starting point for an app.
- """
- roots = set()
- for node in self.nodes:
- if (not any(key[0] == node[0] for key in self.node_map[node].parents)
- and (not app or app == node[0])):
- roots.add(node)
- return sorted(roots)
- def leaf_nodes(self, app=None):
- """
- Returns all leaf nodes - that is, nodes with no dependents in their app.
- These are the "most current" version of an app's schema.
- Having more than one per app is technically an error, but one that
- gets handled further up, in the interactive command - it's usually the
- result of a VCS merge and needs some user input.
- """
- leaves = set()
- for node in self.nodes:
- if (not any(key[0] == node[0] for key in self.node_map[node].children)
- and (not app or app == node[0])):
- leaves.add(node)
- return sorted(leaves)
- def ensure_not_cyclic(self, start, get_children):
- # Algo from GvR:
- # http://neopythonic.blogspot.co.uk/2009/01/detecting-cycles-in-directed-graph.html
- todo = set(self.nodes)
- while todo:
- node = todo.pop()
- stack = [node]
- while stack:
- top = stack[-1]
- for node in get_children(top):
- if node in stack:
- cycle = stack[stack.index(node):]
- raise CircularDependencyError(", ".join("%s.%s" % n for n in cycle))
- if node in todo:
- stack.append(node)
- todo.remove(node)
- break
- else:
- node = stack.pop()
- def __str__(self):
- return 'Graph: %s nodes, %s edges' % self._nodes_and_edges()
- def __repr__(self):
- nodes, edges = self._nodes_and_edges()
- return '<%s: nodes=%s, edges=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, nodes, edges)
- def _nodes_and_edges(self):
- return len(self.nodes), sum(len(node.parents) for node in self.node_map.values())
- def make_state(self, nodes=None, at_end=True, real_apps=None):
- """
- Given a migration node or nodes, returns a complete ProjectState for it.
- If at_end is False, returns the state before the migration has run.
- If nodes is not provided, returns the overall most current project state.
- """
- if nodes is None:
- nodes = list(self.leaf_nodes())
- if len(nodes) == 0:
- return ProjectState()
- if not isinstance(nodes[0], tuple):
- nodes = [nodes]
- plan = []
- for node in nodes:
- for migration in self.forwards_plan(node):
- if migration not in plan:
- if not at_end and migration in nodes:
- continue
- plan.append(migration)
- project_state = ProjectState(real_apps=real_apps)
- for node in plan:
- project_state = self.nodes[node].mutate_state(project_state, preserve=False)
- return project_state
- def __contains__(self, node):
- return node in self.nodes