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  1. from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin
  2. from django.contrib.gis.admin.widgets import OpenLayersWidget
  3. from django.contrib.gis.db import models
  4. from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL, OGRGeomType
  5. from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
  6. spherical_mercator_srid = 3857
  7. class GeoModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
  8. """
  9. The administration options class for Geographic models. Map settings
  10. may be overloaded from their defaults to create custom maps.
  11. """
  12. # The default map settings that may be overloaded -- still subject
  13. # to API changes.
  14. default_lon = 0
  15. default_lat = 0
  16. default_zoom = 4
  17. display_wkt = False
  18. display_srid = False
  19. extra_js = []
  20. num_zoom = 18
  21. max_zoom = False
  22. min_zoom = False
  23. units = False
  24. max_resolution = False
  25. max_extent = False
  26. modifiable = True
  27. mouse_position = True
  28. scale_text = True
  29. layerswitcher = True
  30. scrollable = True
  31. map_width = 600
  32. map_height = 400
  33. map_srid = 4326
  34. map_template = 'gis/admin/openlayers.html'
  35. openlayers_url = ''
  36. point_zoom = num_zoom - 6
  37. wms_url = ''
  38. wms_layer = 'basic'
  39. wms_name = 'OpenLayers WMS'
  40. wms_options = {'format': 'image/jpeg'}
  41. debug = False
  42. widget = OpenLayersWidget
  43. @property
  44. def media(self):
  45. "Injects OpenLayers JavaScript into the admin."
  46. media = super(GeoModelAdmin, self).media
  47. media.add_js([self.openlayers_url])
  48. media.add_js(self.extra_js)
  49. return media
  50. def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
  51. """
  52. Overloaded from ModelAdmin so that an OpenLayersWidget is used
  53. for viewing/editing 2D GeometryFields (OpenLayers 2 does not support
  54. 3D editing).
  55. """
  56. if isinstance(db_field, models.GeometryField) and db_field.dim < 3:
  57. kwargs.pop('request', None)
  58. # Setting the widget with the newly defined widget.
  59. kwargs['widget'] = self.get_map_widget(db_field)
  60. return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
  61. else:
  62. return super(GeoModelAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)
  63. def get_map_widget(self, db_field):
  64. """
  65. Returns a subclass of the OpenLayersWidget (or whatever was specified
  66. in the `widget` attribute) using the settings from the attributes set
  67. in this class.
  68. """
  69. is_collection = db_field.geom_type in ('MULTIPOINT', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION')
  70. if is_collection:
  71. if db_field.geom_type == 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION':
  72. collection_type = 'Any'
  73. else:
  74. collection_type = OGRGeomType(db_field.geom_type.replace('MULTI', ''))
  75. else:
  76. collection_type = 'None'
  77. class OLMap(self.widget):
  78. template = self.map_template
  79. geom_type = db_field.geom_type
  80. wms_options = ''
  81. if self.wms_options:
  82. wms_options = ["%s: '%s'" % pair for pair in self.wms_options.items()]
  83. wms_options = ', %s' % ', '.join(wms_options)
  84. params = {'default_lon': self.default_lon,
  85. 'default_lat': self.default_lat,
  86. 'default_zoom': self.default_zoom,
  87. 'display_wkt': self.debug or self.display_wkt,
  88. 'geom_type': OGRGeomType(db_field.geom_type),
  89. 'field_name':,
  90. 'is_collection': is_collection,
  91. 'scrollable': self.scrollable,
  92. 'layerswitcher': self.layerswitcher,
  93. 'collection_type': collection_type,
  94. 'is_generic': db_field.geom_type == 'GEOMETRY',
  95. 'is_linestring': db_field.geom_type in ('LINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRING'),
  96. 'is_polygon': db_field.geom_type in ('POLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON'),
  97. 'is_point': db_field.geom_type in ('POINT', 'MULTIPOINT'),
  98. 'num_zoom': self.num_zoom,
  99. 'max_zoom': self.max_zoom,
  100. 'min_zoom': self.min_zoom,
  101. 'units': self.units, # likely should get from object
  102. 'max_resolution': self.max_resolution,
  103. 'max_extent': self.max_extent,
  104. 'modifiable': self.modifiable,
  105. 'mouse_position': self.mouse_position,
  106. 'scale_text': self.scale_text,
  107. 'map_width': self.map_width,
  108. 'map_height': self.map_height,
  109. 'point_zoom': self.point_zoom,
  110. 'srid': self.map_srid,
  111. 'display_srid': self.display_srid,
  112. 'wms_url': self.wms_url,
  113. 'wms_layer': self.wms_layer,
  114. 'wms_name': self.wms_name,
  115. 'wms_options': wms_options,
  116. 'debug': self.debug,
  117. }
  118. return OLMap
  119. class OSMGeoAdmin(GeoModelAdmin):
  120. map_template = 'gis/admin/osm.html'
  121. num_zoom = 20
  122. map_srid = spherical_mercator_srid
  123. max_extent = '-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508'
  124. max_resolution = '156543.0339'
  125. point_zoom = num_zoom - 6
  126. units = 'm'
  127. def __init__(self, *args):
  128. if not HAS_GDAL:
  129. raise ImproperlyConfigured("OSMGeoAdmin is not usable without GDAL libs installed")
  130. super(OSMGeoAdmin, self).__init__(*args)