- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- from django.apps import apps
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core import checks
- def check_user_model(**kwargs):
- errors = []
- cls = apps.get_model(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
- # Check that REQUIRED_FIELDS is a list
- if not isinstance(cls.REQUIRED_FIELDS, (list, tuple)):
- errors.append(
- checks.Error(
- "'REQUIRED_FIELDS' must be a list or tuple.",
- hint=None,
- obj=cls,
- id='auth.E001',
- )
- )
- # Check that the USERNAME FIELD isn't included in REQUIRED_FIELDS.
- errors.append(
- checks.Error(
- ("The field named as the 'USERNAME_FIELD' "
- "for a custom user model must not be included in 'REQUIRED_FIELDS'."),
- hint=None,
- obj=cls,
- id='auth.E002',
- )
- )
- # Check that the username field is unique
- if not cls._meta.get_field(cls.USERNAME_FIELD).unique:
- ['django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend']):
- errors.append(
- checks.Error(
- "'%s.%s' must be unique because it is named as the 'USERNAME_FIELD'." % (
- cls._meta.object_name, cls.USERNAME_FIELD
- ),
- hint=None,
- obj=cls,
- id='auth.E003',
- )
- )
- else:
- errors.append(
- checks.Warning(
- "'%s.%s' is named as the 'USERNAME_FIELD', but it is not unique." % (
- cls._meta.object_name, cls.USERNAME_FIELD
- ),
- hint=('Ensure that your authentication backend(s) can handle '
- 'non-unique usernames.'),
- obj=cls,
- id='auth.W004',
- )
- )
- return errors