""" Requirements file parsing """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re import shlex import optparse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._vendor.six.moves import filterfalse import pip from pip.download import get_file_content from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip.exceptions import (RequirementsFileParseError) from pip.utils import normalize_name from pip import cmdoptions __all__ = ['parse_requirements'] SCHEME_RE = re.compile(r'^(http|https|file):', re.I) COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\s)+#.*$') SUPPORTED_OPTIONS = [ cmdoptions.constraints, cmdoptions.editable, cmdoptions.requirements, cmdoptions.no_index, cmdoptions.index_url, cmdoptions.find_links, cmdoptions.extra_index_url, cmdoptions.allow_external, cmdoptions.allow_all_external, cmdoptions.no_allow_external, cmdoptions.allow_unsafe, cmdoptions.no_allow_unsafe, cmdoptions.use_wheel, cmdoptions.no_use_wheel, cmdoptions.always_unzip, cmdoptions.no_binary, cmdoptions.only_binary, ] # options to be passed to requirements SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ = [ cmdoptions.install_options, cmdoptions.global_options ] # the 'dest' string values SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST = [o().dest for o in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ] def parse_requirements(filename, finder=None, comes_from=None, options=None, session=None, constraint=False, wheel_cache=None): """Parse a requirements file and yield InstallRequirement instances. :param filename: Path or url of requirements file. :param finder: Instance of pip.index.PackageFinder. :param comes_from: Origin description of requirements. :param options: Global options. :param session: Instance of pip.download.PipSession. :param constraint: If true, parsing a constraint file rather than requirements file. :param wheel_cache: Instance of pip.wheel.WheelCache """ if session is None: raise TypeError( "parse_requirements() missing 1 required keyword argument: " "'session'" ) _, content = get_file_content( filename, comes_from=comes_from, session=session ) lines = content.splitlines() lines = ignore_comments(lines) lines = join_lines(lines) lines = skip_regex(lines, options) for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, 1): req_iter = process_line(line, filename, line_number, finder, comes_from, options, session, wheel_cache, constraint=constraint) for req in req_iter: yield req def process_line(line, filename, line_number, finder=None, comes_from=None, options=None, session=None, wheel_cache=None, constraint=False): """Process a single requirements line; This can result in creating/yielding requirements, or updating the finder. For lines that contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ, and they are scoped to the requirement. Other options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS may be present, but are ignored. For lines that do not contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS. Options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ may be present, but are ignored. These lines may contain multiple options (although our docs imply only one is supported), and all our parsed and affect the finder. :param constraint: If True, parsing a constraints file. """ parser = build_parser() defaults = parser.get_default_values() defaults.index_url = None if finder: # `finder.format_control` will be updated during parsing defaults.format_control = finder.format_control args_str, options_str = break_args_options(line) opts, _ = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(options_str), defaults) # preserve for the nested code path line_comes_from = '%s %s (line %s)' % ( '-c' if constraint else '-r', filename, line_number) # yield a line requirement if args_str: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False if options: cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options, opts) # get the options that apply to requirements req_options = {} for dest in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST: if dest in opts.__dict__ and opts.__dict__[dest]: req_options[dest] = opts.__dict__[dest] yield InstallRequirement.from_line( args_str, line_comes_from, constraint=constraint, isolated=isolated, options=req_options, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # yield an editable requirement elif opts.editables: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False default_vcs = options.default_vcs if options else None yield InstallRequirement.from_editable( opts.editables[0], comes_from=line_comes_from, constraint=constraint, default_vcs=default_vcs, isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # parse a nested requirements file elif opts.requirements or opts.constraints: if opts.requirements: req_path = opts.requirements[0] nested_constraint = False else: req_path = opts.constraints[0] nested_constraint = True # original file is over http if SCHEME_RE.search(filename): # do a url join so relative paths work req_path = urllib_parse.urljoin(filename, req_path) # original file and nested file are paths elif not SCHEME_RE.search(req_path): # do a join so relative paths work req_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) req_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), req_path) # TODO: Why not use `comes_from='-r {} (line {})'` here as well? parser = parse_requirements( req_path, finder, comes_from, options, session, constraint=nested_constraint, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) for req in parser: yield req # set finder options elif finder: if opts.index_url: finder.index_urls = [opts.index_url] if opts.use_wheel is False: finder.use_wheel = False pip.index.fmt_ctl_no_use_wheel(finder.format_control) if opts.no_index is True: finder.index_urls = [] if opts.allow_all_external: finder.allow_all_external = opts.allow_all_external if opts.extra_index_urls: finder.index_urls.extend(opts.extra_index_urls) if opts.allow_external: finder.allow_external |= set( [normalize_name(v).lower() for v in opts.allow_external]) if opts.allow_unverified: # Remove after 7.0 finder.allow_unverified |= set( [normalize_name(v).lower() for v in opts.allow_unverified]) if opts.find_links: # FIXME: it would be nice to keep track of the source # of the find_links: support a find-links local path # relative to a requirements file. value = opts.find_links[0] req_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) relative_to_reqs_file = os.path.join(req_dir, value) if os.path.exists(relative_to_reqs_file): value = relative_to_reqs_file finder.find_links.append(value) def break_args_options(line): """Break up the line into an args and options string. We only want to shlex (and then optparse) the options, not the args. args can contain markers which are corrupted by shlex. """ tokens = line.split(' ') args = [] options = tokens[:] for token in tokens: if token.startswith('-') or token.startswith('--'): break else: args.append(token) options.pop(0) return ' '.join(args), ' '.join(options) def build_parser(): """ Return a parser for parsing requirement lines """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False) option_factories = SUPPORTED_OPTIONS + SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ for option_factory in option_factories: option = option_factory() parser.add_option(option) # By default optparse sys.exits on parsing errors. We want to wrap # that in our own exception. def parser_exit(self, msg): raise RequirementsFileParseError(msg) parser.exit = parser_exit return parser def join_lines(iterator): """ Joins a line ending in '\' with the previous line. """ lines = [] for line in iterator: if not line.endswith('\\'): if lines: lines.append(line) yield ''.join(lines) lines = [] else: yield line else: lines.append(line.strip('\\')) # TODO: handle space after '\'. # TODO: handle '\' on last line. def ignore_comments(iterator): """ Strips and filters empty or commented lines. """ for line in iterator: line = COMMENT_RE.sub('', line) line = line.strip() if line: yield line def skip_regex(lines, options): """ Optionally exclude lines that match '--skip-requirements-regex' """ skip_regex = options.skip_requirements_regex if options else None if skip_regex: lines = filterfalse(re.compile(skip_regex).search, lines) return lines