You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. # fmt: off
  2. #########################
  3. # Application #
  4. #########################
  5. APP_NAME = "diagrams"
  6. DIR_DOC_ROOT = "docs/nodes"
  7. DIR_APP_ROOT = "diagrams"
  8. DIR_RESOURCE = "resources"
  9. DIR_TEMPLATE = "templates"
  10. PROVIDERS = (
  11. "base", "onprem", "aws", "azure", "gcp", "firebase", "k8s", "alibabacloud", "oci", "programming", "saas", "elastic",
  12. "generic", "openstack", "outscale")
  13. #########################
  14. # Resource Processing #
  15. #########################
  16. CMD_ROUND = "round"
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  23. "onprem": (),
  24. "aws": ("Amazon-", "AWS-"),
  25. "azure": ("Azure-",),
  26. "gcp": ("Cloud-",),
  27. "firebase": ("Cloud-",),
  28. "k8s": (),
  29. "alibabacloud": (),
  30. "oci": ("OCI-icon-",),
  31. "programming": (),
  32. "saas": (),
  33. "elastic": (),
  34. "outscale": (),
  35. "generic": (),
  36. "openstack": (),
  37. }
  38. #########################
  39. # Doc Auto Generation #
  40. #########################
  41. TMPL_APIDOC = "apidoc.tmpl"
  42. #########################
  43. # Class Auto Generation #
  44. #########################
  45. TMPL_MODULE = "module.tmpl"
  46. UPPER_WORDS = {
  47. "aws": ("aws", "api", "ebs", "ec2", "efs", "emr", "rds", "ml", "mq", "nat", "vpc", "waf", "sdk"),
  48. "azure": ("ad", "b2c", "ai", "api", "cdn", "ddos", "dns", "fxt", "hana", "hd", "id", "sap", "sql", "vm"),
  49. "gcp": ("gcp", "ai", "api", "cdn", "dns", "gke", "gpu", "iap", "ml", "nat", "os", "sdk", "sql", "tpu", "vpn"),
  50. "firebase": ("ab", "fcm", "ml"),
  51. "k8s": (
  52. "api", "cm", "ccm", "crb", "crd", "ds", "etcd", "hpa", "k8s", "ns", "psp", "pv", "pvc", "rb", "rs",
  53. "sa", "sc", "sts", "svc",
  54. ),
  55. "oci": ("oci", "ocid", "oke", "ocir", "ddos", "waf", "bm", "vm", "cdn", "vpn", "dns", "nat", "dms", "api", "id"),
  56. "elastic": ("apm", "siem", "ece", "eck"),
  57. "generic": ("vpn", "ios", "xen", "sql", "lxc"),
  58. "outscale": ("osc",),
  59. "openstack": ("rpm", "loci", "nfv", "ec2api"),
  60. "pve": ("pve"),
  61. }
  62. TITLE_WORDS = {
  63. "onprem": {
  64. "onprem": "OnPrem",
  65. },
  66. "alibabacloud": {
  67. "alibabacloud": "AlibabaCloud"
  68. },
  69. "aws": {
  70. "cloudfront": "CloudFront"
  71. },
  72. "openstack": {
  73. "openstack": "OpenStack"
  74. },
  75. }
  76. # TODO: check if the classname exists
  77. ALIASES = {
  78. "onprem": {
  79. "ci": {
  80. "Circleci": "CircleCI",
  81. "Concourseci": "ConcourseCI",
  82. "Droneci": "DroneCI",
  83. "Gitlabci": "GitlabCI",
  84. "Travisci": "TravisCI",
  85. "Teamcity": "TC",
  86. "Zuulci": "ZuulCI",
  87. },
  88. "container": {
  89. "Lxc": "LXC",
  90. "Rkt": "RKT",
  91. },
  92. "database": {
  93. "Clickhouse": "ClickHouse",
  94. "Cockroachdb": "CockroachDB",
  95. "Couchdb": "CouchDB",
  96. "Hbase": "HBase",
  97. "Influxdb": "InfluxDB",
  98. "Janusgraph": "JanusGraph",
  99. "Mariadb": "MariaDB",
  100. "Mongodb": "MongoDB",
  101. "Mssql": "MSSQL",
  102. "Mysql": "MySQL",
  103. "Postgresql": "PostgreSQL",
  104. },
  105. "gitops": {
  106. "Argocd": "ArgoCD",
  107. },
  108. "logging": {
  109. "Fluentbit": "FluentBit",
  110. "Rsyslog": "RSyslog",
  111. },
  112. "network": {
  113. "Etcd": "ETCD",
  114. "Haproxy": "HAProxy",
  115. "OpenServiceMesh": "OSM",
  116. "Opnsense": "OPNSense",
  117. "Pfsense": "PFSense",
  118. "Vyos": "VyOS"
  119. },
  120. "proxmox": {
  121. "Pve": "ProxmoxVE",
  122. },
  123. "queue": {
  124. "Activemq": "ActiveMQ",
  125. "Rabbitmq": "RabbitMQ",
  126. "Zeromq": "ZeroMQ",
  127. },
  128. "storage": {
  129. "Ceph": "CEPH",
  130. "CephOsd": "CEPH_OSD",
  131. },
  132. "workflow": {
  133. "Kubeflow": "KubeFlow",
  134. "Nifi": "NiFi",
  135. }
  136. },
  137. "aws": {
  138. "analytics": {
  139. "ElasticsearchService": "ES",
  140. },
  141. "business": {
  142. "AlexaForBusiness": "A4B"
  143. },
  144. "blockchain": {
  145. "QuantumLedgerDatabaseQldb": "QLDB"
  146. },
  147. "compute": {
  148. "ApplicationAutoScaling": "AutoScaling",
  149. "EC2ContainerRegistry": "ECR",
  150. "ElasticBeanstalk": "EB",
  151. "ElasticContainerService": "ECS",
  152. "ElasticKubernetesService": "EKS",
  153. "ServerlessApplicationRepository": "SAR",
  154. },
  155. "database": {
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  157. "DocumentdbMongodbCompatibility": "DocumentDB",
  158. "DynamodbDax": "DAX",
  159. "DynamodbGlobalSecondaryIndex": "DynamodbGSI",
  160. "Database": "DB",
  161. "Dynamodb": "DDB",
  162. "Elasticache": "ElastiCache",
  163. "QuantumLedgerDatabaseQldb": "QLDB",
  164. },
  165. "devtools": {
  166. "CommandLineInterface": "CLI",
  167. "DeveloperTools": "DevTools",
  168. },
  169. "engagement": {
  170. "SimpleEmailServiceSes": "SES",
  171. },
  172. "general": {
  173. "GenericOfficeBuilding": "OfficeBuilding",
  174. },
  175. "integration": {
  176. "SimpleNotificationServiceSns": "SNS",
  177. "SimpleQueueServiceSqs": "SQS",
  178. "StepFunctions": "SF",
  179. },
  180. "iot": {
  181. "Freertos": "FreeRTOS",
  182. "IotHardwareBoard": "IotBoard",
  183. },
  184. "management": {
  185. "SystemsManager": "SSM",
  186. "SystemsManagerParameterStore": "ParameterStore",
  187. },
  188. "migration": {
  189. "ApplicationDiscoveryService": "ADS",
  190. "CloudendureMigration": "CEM",
  191. "DatabaseMigrationService": "DMS",
  192. "MigrationAndTransfer": "MAT",
  193. "ServerMigrationService": "SMS",
  194. },
  195. "ml": {
  196. "DeepLearningContainers": "DLC",
  197. },
  198. "network": {
  199. "CloudFront": "CF",
  200. "ElasticLoadBalancing": "ELB",
  201. "GlobalAccelerator": "GAX",
  202. },
  203. "security": {
  204. "CertificateManager": "ACM",
  205. "Cloudhsm": "CloudHSM",
  206. "DirectoryService": "DS",
  207. "FirewallManager": "FMS",
  208. "IdentityAndAccessManagementIamAccessAnalyzer": "IAMAccessAnalyzer",
  209. "IdentityAndAccessManagementIamAWSSts": "IAMAWSSts",
  210. "IdentityAndAccessManagementIamPermissions": "IAMPermissions",
  211. "IdentityAndAccessManagementIamRole": "IAMRole",
  212. "IdentityAndAccessManagementIam": "IAM",
  213. "KeyManagementService": "KMS",
  214. "ResourceAccessManager": "RAM",
  215. },
  216. "storage": {
  217. "CloudendureDisasterRecovery": "CDR",
  218. "ElasticBlockStoreEBS": "EBS",
  219. "ElasticFileSystemEFS": "EFS",
  220. "Fsx": "FSx",
  221. "SimpleStorageServiceS3": "S3",
  222. },
  223. },
  224. "azure": {
  225. "compute": {
  226. "ContainerRegistries": "ACR",
  227. "KubernetesServices": "AKS",
  228. },
  229. },
  230. "gcp": {
  231. "analytics": {
  232. "Bigquery": "BigQuery",
  233. "Pubsub": "PubSub",
  234. },
  235. "compute": {
  236. "AppEngine": "GAE",
  237. "Functions": "GCF",
  238. "ComputeEngine": "GCE",
  239. "KubernetesEngine": "GKE",
  240. },
  241. "database": {
  242. "Bigtable": "BigTable",
  243. },
  244. "devtools": {
  245. "ContainerRegistry": "GCR",
  246. },
  247. "ml": {
  248. "Automl": "AutoML",
  249. "NaturalLanguageAPI": "NLAPI",
  250. "SpeechToText": "STT",
  251. "TextToSpeech": "TTS",
  252. },
  253. "network": {
  254. "VirtualPrivateCloud": "VPC"
  255. },
  256. "security": {
  257. "KeyManagementService": "KMS",
  258. "SecurityCommandCenter": "SCC",
  259. },
  260. "storage": {
  261. "Storage": "GCS",
  262. },
  263. },
  264. "firebase": {
  265. "grow": {
  266. "Messaging": "FCM"
  267. }
  268. },
  269. "k8s": {
  270. "clusterconfig": {
  271. "Limits": "LimitRange",
  272. "HPA": "HorizontalPodAutoscaler",
  273. },
  274. "compute": {
  275. "Deploy": "Deployment",
  276. "DS": "DaemonSet",
  277. "RS": "ReplicaSet",
  278. "STS": "StatefulSet"
  279. },
  280. "controlplane": {
  281. "API": "APIServer",
  282. "CM": "ControllerManager",
  283. "KProxy": "KubeProxy",
  284. "Sched": "Scheduler",
  285. },
  286. "group": {
  287. "NS": "Namespace",
  288. },
  289. "network": {
  290. "Ep": "Endpoint",
  291. "Ing": "Ingress",
  292. "Netpol": "NetworkPolicy",
  293. "SVC": "Service",
  294. },
  295. "podconfig": {
  296. "CM": "ConfigMap",
  297. },
  298. "rbac": {
  299. "CRole": "ClusterRole",
  300. "CRB": "ClusterRoleBinding",
  301. "RB": "RoleBinding",
  302. "SA": "ServiceAccount",
  303. },
  304. "storage": {
  305. "PV": "PersistentVolume",
  306. "PVC": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
  307. "SC": "StorageClass",
  308. "Vol": "Volume",
  309. },
  310. },
  311. "alibabacloud": {
  312. "application": {
  313. "LogService": "SLS",
  314. "MessageNotificationService": "MNS",
  315. "PerformanceTestingService": "PTS",
  316. "SmartConversationAnalysis": "SCA",
  317. },
  318. "compute": {
  319. "AutoScaling": "ESS",
  320. "ElasticComputeService": "ECS",
  321. "ElasticContainerInstance": "ECI",
  322. "ElasticHighPerformanceComputing": "EHPC",
  323. "FunctionCompute": "FC",
  324. "OperationOrchestrationService": "OOS",
  325. "ResourceOrchestrationService": "ROS",
  326. "ServerLoadBalancer": "SLB",
  327. "ServerlessAppEngine": "SAE",
  328. "SimpleApplicationServer": "SAS",
  329. "WebAppService": "WAS",
  330. },
  331. "database": {
  332. "DataManagementService": "DMS",
  333. "DataTransmissionService": "DTS",
  334. "DatabaseBackupService": "DBS",
  335. "DisributeRelationalDatabaseService": "DRDS",
  336. "GraphDatabaseService": "GDS",
  337. "RelationalDatabaseService": "RDS",
  338. },
  339. "network": {
  340. "CloudEnterpriseNetwork": "CEN",
  341. "ElasticIpAddress": "EIP",
  342. "ServerLoadBalancer": "SLB",
  343. "VirtualPrivateCloud": "VPC",
  344. },
  345. "security": {
  346. "AntiBotService": "ABS",
  347. "AntifraudService": "AS",
  348. "CloudFirewall": "CFW",
  349. "ContentModeration": "CM",
  350. "DataEncryptionService": "DES",
  351. "WebApplicationFirewall": "WAF",
  352. },
  353. "storage": {
  354. "FileStorageHdfs": "HDFS",
  355. "FileStorageNas": "NAS",
  356. "HybridBackupRecovery": "HBR",
  357. "HybridCloudDisasterRecovery": "HDR",
  358. "ObjectStorageService": "OSS",
  359. "ObjectTableStore": "OTS",
  360. }
  361. },
  362. "oci": {
  363. "compute": {
  364. "VM": "VirtualMachine",
  365. "VMWhite": "VirtualMachineWhite",
  366. "BM": "BareMetal",
  367. "BMWhite": "BareMetalWhite",
  368. "OCIR": "OCIRegistry",
  369. "OCIRWhite": "OCIRegistryWhite",
  370. "OKE": "ContainerEngine",
  371. "OKEWhite": "ContainerEngineWhite",
  372. },
  373. "database": {
  374. "AutonomousDatabase": "ADB",
  375. "AutonomousDatabaseWhite": "ADBWhite",
  376. "Databaseservice": "DBService",
  377. "DatabaseserviceWhite": "DBServiceWhite",
  378. }
  379. },
  380. "programming": {
  381. "language": {
  382. "Javascript": "JavaScript",
  383. "Nodejs": "NodeJS",
  384. "Php": "PHP",
  385. "Typescript": "TypeScript"
  386. },
  387. },
  388. "saas": {
  389. "logging": {
  390. "Datadog": "DataDog",
  391. }
  392. },
  393. "elastic": {
  394. "elasticsearch": {
  395. "Logstash": "LogStash",
  396. }
  397. },
  398. "outscale": {
  399. "Osc": "OSC",
  400. },
  401. "generic": {},
  402. "openstack": {
  403. "user": {
  404. "Openstackclient": "OpenStackClient",
  405. },
  406. "billing": {
  407. "Cloudkitty": "CloudKitty",
  408. },
  409. "deployment": {
  410. "Kolla": "KollaAnsible",
  411. "Tripleo": "TripleO",
  412. }
  413. },
  414. }