- import contextvars
- import os
- import uuid
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
- from graphviz import Digraph
- # Global contexts for a diagrams and a cluster.
- #
- # These global contexts are for letting the clusters and nodes know
- # where context they are belong to. So the all clusters and nodes does
- # not need to specify the current diagrams or cluster via parameters.
- __diagram = contextvars.ContextVar("diagrams")
- __cluster = contextvars.ContextVar("cluster")
- def getdiagram() -> "Diagram":
- try:
- return __diagram.get()
- except LookupError:
- return None
- def setdiagram(diagram: "Diagram"):
- __diagram.set(diagram)
- def getcluster() -> "Cluster":
- try:
- return __cluster.get()
- except LookupError:
- return None
- def setcluster(cluster: "Cluster"):
- __cluster.set(cluster)
- class Diagram:
- __directions = ("TB", "BT", "LR", "RL")
- __curvestyles = ("ortho", "curved")
- __outformats = ("png", "jpg", "svg", "pdf", "dot")
- # fmt: off
- _default_graph_attrs = {
- "pad": "2.0",
- "splines": "ortho",
- "nodesep": "0.60",
- "ranksep": "0.75",
- "fontname": "Sans-Serif",
- "fontsize": "15",
- "fontcolor": "#2D3436",
- }
- _default_node_attrs = {
- "shape": "box",
- "style": "rounded",
- "fixedsize": "true",
- "width": "1.4",
- "height": "1.4",
- "labelloc": "b",
- # imagepos attribute is not backward compatible
- # TODO: check graphviz version to see if "imagepos" is available >= 2.40
- # https://github.com/xflr6/graphviz/blob/master/graphviz/backend.py#L248
- # "imagepos": "tc",
- "imagescale": "true",
- "fontname": "Sans-Serif",
- "fontsize": "13",
- "fontcolor": "#2D3436",
- }
- _default_edge_attrs = {
- "color": "#7B8894",
- }
- # fmt: on
- # TODO: Label position option
- # TODO: Save directory option (filename + directory?)
- def __init__(
- self,
- name: str = "",
- filename: str = "",
- direction: str = "LR",
- curvestyle: str = "ortho",
- outformat: str = "png",
- autolabel: bool = False,
- show: bool = True,
- strict: bool = False,
- graph_attr: Optional[dict] = None,
- node_attr: Optional[dict] = None,
- edge_attr: Optional[dict] = None,
- ):
- """Diagram represents a global diagrams context.
- :param name: Diagram name. It will be used for output filename if the
- filename isn't given.
- :param filename: The output filename, without the extension (.png).
- If not given, it will be generated from the name.
- :param direction: Data flow direction. Default is 'left to right'.
- :param curvestyle: Curve bending style. One of "ortho" or "curved".
- :param outformat: Output file format. Default is 'png'.
- :param show: Open generated image after save if true, just only save otherwise.
- :param graph_attr: Provide graph_attr dot config attributes.
- :param node_attr: Provide node_attr dot config attributes.
- :param edge_attr: Provide edge_attr dot config attributes.
- :param strict: Rendering should merge multi-edges.
- """
- if graph_attr is None:
- graph_attr = {}
- if node_attr is None:
- node_attr = {}
- if edge_attr is None:
- edge_attr = {}
- self.name = name
- if not name and not filename:
- filename = "diagrams_image"
- elif not filename:
- filename = "_".join(self.name.split()).lower()
- self.filename = filename
- self.dot = Digraph(self.name, filename=self.filename, strict=strict)
- # Set attributes.
- for k, v in self._default_graph_attrs.items():
- self.dot.graph_attr[k] = v
- self.dot.graph_attr["label"] = self.name
- for k, v in self._default_node_attrs.items():
- self.dot.node_attr[k] = v
- for k, v in self._default_edge_attrs.items():
- self.dot.edge_attr[k] = v
- if not self._validate_direction(direction):
- raise ValueError(f'"{direction}" is not a valid direction')
- self.dot.graph_attr["rankdir"] = direction
- if not self._validate_curvestyle(curvestyle):
- raise ValueError(f'"{curvestyle}" is not a valid curvestyle')
- self.dot.graph_attr["splines"] = curvestyle
- if isinstance(outformat, list):
- for one_format in outformat:
- if not self._validate_outformat(one_format):
- raise ValueError(f'"{one_format}" is not a valid output format')
- else:
- if not self._validate_outformat(outformat):
- raise ValueError(f'"{outformat}" is not a valid output format')
- self.outformat = outformat
- # Merge passed in attributes
- self.dot.graph_attr.update(graph_attr)
- self.dot.node_attr.update(node_attr)
- self.dot.edge_attr.update(edge_attr)
- self.show = show
- self.autolabel = autolabel
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return str(self.dot)
- def __enter__(self):
- setdiagram(self)
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.render()
- # Remove the graphviz file leaving only the image.
- os.remove(self.filename)
- setdiagram(None)
- def _repr_png_(self):
- return self.dot.pipe(format="png")
- def _validate_direction(self, direction: str) -> bool:
- return direction.upper() in self.__directions
- def _validate_curvestyle(self, curvestyle: str) -> bool:
- return curvestyle.lower() in self.__curvestyles
- def _validate_outformat(self, outformat: str) -> bool:
- return outformat.lower() in self.__outformats
- def node(self, nodeid: str, label: str, **attrs) -> None:
- """Create a new node."""
- self.dot.node(nodeid, label=label, **attrs)
- def connect(self, node: "Node", node2: "Node", edge: "Edge") -> None:
- """Connect the two Nodes."""
- self.dot.edge(node.nodeid, node2.nodeid, **edge.attrs)
- def subgraph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None:
- """Create a subgraph for clustering"""
- self.dot.subgraph(dot)
- def render(self) -> None:
- if isinstance(self.outformat, list):
- for one_format in self.outformat:
- self.dot.render(format=one_format, view=self.show, quiet=True)
- else:
- self.dot.render(format=self.outformat, view=self.show, quiet=True)
- class Cluster:
- __directions = ("TB", "BT", "LR", "RL")
- __bgcolors = ("#E5F5FD", "#EBF3E7", "#ECE8F6", "#FDF7E3")
- # fmt: off
- _default_graph_attrs = {
- "shape": "box",
- "style": "rounded",
- "labeljust": "l",
- "pencolor": "#AEB6BE",
- "fontname": "Sans-Serif",
- "fontsize": "12",
- }
- # fmt: on
- # FIXME:
- # Cluster direction does not work now. Graphviz couldn't render
- # correctly for a subgraph that has a different rank direction.
- def __init__(
- self,
- label: str = "cluster",
- direction: str = "LR",
- graph_attr: Optional[dict] = None,
- ):
- """Cluster represents a cluster context.
- :param label: Cluster label.
- :param direction: Data flow direction. Default is 'left to right'.
- :param graph_attr: Provide graph_attr dot config attributes.
- """
- if graph_attr is None:
- graph_attr = {}
- self.label = label
- self.name = "cluster_" + self.label
- self.dot = Digraph(self.name)
- # Set attributes.
- for k, v in self._default_graph_attrs.items():
- self.dot.graph_attr[k] = v
- self.dot.graph_attr["label"] = self.label
- if not self._validate_direction(direction):
- raise ValueError(f'"{direction}" is not a valid direction')
- self.dot.graph_attr["rankdir"] = direction
- # Node must be belong to a diagrams.
- self._diagram = getdiagram()
- if self._diagram is None:
- raise EnvironmentError("Global diagrams context not set up")
- self._parent = getcluster()
- # Set cluster depth for distinguishing the background color
- self.depth = self._parent.depth + 1 if self._parent else 0
- coloridx = self.depth % len(self.__bgcolors)
- self.dot.graph_attr["bgcolor"] = self.__bgcolors[coloridx]
- # Merge passed in attributes
- self.dot.graph_attr.update(graph_attr)
- def __enter__(self):
- setcluster(self)
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- if self._parent:
- self._parent.subgraph(self.dot)
- else:
- self._diagram.subgraph(self.dot)
- setcluster(self._parent)
- def _validate_direction(self, direction: str) -> bool:
- return direction.upper() in self.__directions
- def node(self, nodeid: str, label: str, **attrs) -> None:
- """Create a new node in the cluster."""
- self.dot.node(nodeid, label=label, **attrs)
- def subgraph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None:
- self.dot.subgraph(dot)
- class Node:
- """Node represents a node for a specific backend service."""
- _provider = None
- _type = None
- _icon_dir = None
- _icon = None
- _height = 1.9
- def __init__(self, label: str = "", *, nodeid: str = None, **attrs: Dict):
- """Node represents a system component.
- :param label: Node label.
- """
- # Generates an ID for identifying a node, unless specified
- self._id = nodeid or self._rand_id()
- self.label = label
- # Node must be belong to a diagrams.
- self._diagram = getdiagram()
- if self._diagram is None:
- raise EnvironmentError("Global diagrams context not set up")
- if self._diagram.autolabel:
- prefix = self.__class__.__name__
- if self.label:
- self.label = prefix + "\n" + self.label
- else:
- self.label = prefix
- # fmt: off
- # If a node has an icon, increase the height slightly to avoid
- # that label being spanned between icon image and white space.
- # Increase the height by the number of new lines included in the label.
- padding = 0.4 * (self.label.count('\n'))
- self._attrs = {
- "shape": "none",
- "height": str(self._height + padding),
- "image": self._load_icon(),
- } if self._icon else {}
- # fmt: on
- self._attrs.update(attrs)
- self._cluster = getcluster()
- # If a node is in the cluster context, add it to cluster.
- if self._cluster:
- self._cluster.node(self._id, self.label, **self._attrs)
- else:
- self._diagram.node(self._id, self.label, **self._attrs)
- def __repr__(self):
- _name = self.__class__.__name__
- return f"<{self._provider}.{self._type}.{_name}>"
- def __sub__(self, other: Union["Node", List["Node"], "Edge"]):
- """Implement Self - Node, Self - [Nodes] and Self - Edge."""
- if isinstance(other, list):
- for node in other:
- self.connect(node, Edge(self))
- return other
- elif isinstance(other, Node):
- return self.connect(other, Edge(self))
- else:
- other.node = self
- return other
- def __rsub__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]):
- """Called for [Nodes] and [Edges] - Self because list don't have __sub__ operators."""
- for o in other:
- if isinstance(o, Edge):
- o.connect(self)
- else:
- o.connect(self, Edge(self))
- return self
- def __rshift__(self, other: Union["Node", List["Node"], "Edge"]):
- """Implements Self >> Node, Self >> [Nodes] and Self Edge."""
- if isinstance(other, list):
- for node in other:
- self.connect(node, Edge(self, forward=True))
- return other
- elif isinstance(other, Node):
- return self.connect(other, Edge(self, forward=True))
- else:
- other.forward = True
- other.node = self
- return other
- def __lshift__(self, other: Union["Node", List["Node"], "Edge"]):
- """Implements Self << Node, Self << [Nodes] and Self << Edge."""
- if isinstance(other, list):
- for node in other:
- self.connect(node, Edge(self, reverse=True))
- return other
- elif isinstance(other, Node):
- return self.connect(other, Edge(self, reverse=True))
- else:
- other.reverse = True
- return other.connect(self)
- def __rrshift__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]):
- """Called for [Nodes] and [Edges] >> Self because list don't have __rshift__ operators."""
- for o in other:
- if isinstance(o, Edge):
- o.forward = True
- o.connect(self)
- else:
- o.connect(self, Edge(self, forward=True))
- return self
- def __rlshift__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]):
- """Called for [Nodes] << Self because list of Nodes don't have __lshift__ operators."""
- for o in other:
- if isinstance(o, Edge):
- o.reverse = True
- o.connect(self)
- else:
- o.connect(self, Edge(self, reverse=True))
- return self
- @property
- def nodeid(self):
- return self._id
- # TODO: option for adding flow description to the connection edge
- def connect(self, node: "Node", edge: "Edge"):
- """Connect to other node.
- :param node: Other node instance.
- :param edge: Type of the edge.
- :return: Connected node.
- """
- if not isinstance(node, Node):
- ValueError(f"{node} is not a valid Node")
- if not isinstance(edge, Edge):
- ValueError(f"{edge} is not a valid Edge")
- # An edge must be added on the global diagrams, not a cluster.
- self._diagram.connect(self, node, edge)
- return node
- @staticmethod
- def _rand_id():
- return uuid.uuid4().hex
- def _load_icon(self):
- basedir = Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
- return os.path.join(basedir.parent, self._icon_dir, self._icon)
- class Edge:
- """Edge represents an edge between two nodes."""
- _default_edge_attrs = {
- "fontcolor": "#2D3436",
- "fontname": "Sans-Serif",
- "fontsize": "13",
- }
- def __init__(
- self,
- node: "Node" = None,
- forward: bool = False,
- reverse: bool = False,
- label: str = "",
- color: str = "",
- style: str = "",
- **attrs: Dict,
- ):
- """Edge represents an edge between two nodes.
- :param node: Parent node.
- :param forward: Points forward.
- :param reverse: Points backward.
- :param label: Edge label.
- :param color: Edge color.
- :param style: Edge style.
- :param attrs: Other edge attributes
- """
- if node is not None:
- assert isinstance(node, Node)
- self.node = node
- self.forward = forward
- self.reverse = reverse
- self._attrs = {}
- # Set attributes.
- for k, v in self._default_edge_attrs.items():
- self._attrs[k] = v
- if label:
- # Graphviz complaining about using label for edges, so replace it with xlabel.
- # Update: xlabel option causes the misaligned label position: https://github.com/mingrammer/diagrams/issues/83
- self._attrs["label"] = label
- if color:
- self._attrs["color"] = color
- if style:
- self._attrs["style"] = style
- self._attrs.update(attrs)
- def __sub__(self, other: Union["Node", "Edge", List["Node"]]):
- """Implement Self - Node or Edge and Self - [Nodes]"""
- return self.connect(other)
- def __rsub__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]) -> List["Edge"]:
- """Called for [Nodes] or [Edges] - Self because list don't have __sub__ operators."""
- return self.append(other)
- def __rshift__(self, other: Union["Node", "Edge", List["Node"]]):
- """Implements Self >> Node or Edge and Self >> [Nodes]."""
- self.forward = True
- return self.connect(other)
- def __lshift__(self, other: Union["Node", "Edge", List["Node"]]):
- """Implements Self << Node or Edge and Self << [Nodes]."""
- self.reverse = True
- return self.connect(other)
- def __rrshift__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]) -> List["Edge"]:
- """Called for [Nodes] or [Edges] >> Self because list of Edges don't have __rshift__ operators."""
- return self.append(other, forward=True)
- def __rlshift__(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]]) -> List["Edge"]:
- """Called for [Nodes] or [Edges] << Self because list of Edges don't have __lshift__ operators."""
- return self.append(other, reverse=True)
- def append(self, other: Union[List["Node"], List["Edge"]], forward=None, reverse=None) -> List["Edge"]:
- result = []
- for o in other:
- if isinstance(o, Edge):
- o.forward = forward if forward else o.forward
- o.reverse = forward if forward else o.reverse
- self._attrs = o.attrs.copy()
- result.append(o)
- else:
- result.append(Edge(o, forward=forward, reverse=reverse, **self._attrs))
- return result
- def connect(self, other: Union["Node", "Edge", List["Node"]]):
- if isinstance(other, list):
- for node in other:
- self.node.connect(node, self)
- return other
- elif isinstance(other, Edge):
- self._attrs = other._attrs.copy()
- return self
- else:
- if self.node is not None:
- return self.node.connect(other, self)
- else:
- self.node = other
- return self
- @property
- def attrs(self) -> Dict:
- if self.forward and self.reverse:
- direction = "both"
- elif self.forward:
- direction = "forward"
- elif self.reverse:
- direction = "back"
- else:
- direction = "none"
- return {**self._attrs, "dir": direction}
- Group = Cluster