- /*
- * wiringPi:
- * Arduino compatable (ish) Wiring library for the Raspberry Pi
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Gordon Henderson
- * Additional code for pwmSetClock by Chris Hall <chris@kchall.plus.com>
- *
- * Thanks to code samples from Gert Jan van Loo and the
- * BCM2835 ARM Peripherals manual, however it's missing
- * the clock section /grr/mutter/
- ***********************************************************************
- * This file is part of wiringPi:
- * https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
- *
- * wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with wiringPi.
- * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- // Revisions:
- // 19 Jul 2012:
- // Moved to the LGPL
- // Added an abstraction layer to the main routines to save a tiny
- // bit of run-time and make the clode a little cleaner (if a little
- // larger)
- // Added waitForInterrupt code
- // Added piHiPri code
- //
- // 9 Jul 2012:
- // Added in support to use the /sys/class/gpio interface.
- // 2 Jul 2012:
- // Fixed a few more bugs to do with range-checking when in GPIO mode.
- // 11 Jun 2012:
- // Fixed some typos.
- // Added c++ support for the .h file
- // Added a new function to allow for using my "pin" numbers, or native
- // GPIO pin numbers.
- // Removed my busy-loop delay and replaced it with a call to delayMicroseconds
- //
- // 02 May 2012:
- // Added in the 2 UART pins
- // Change maxPins to numPins to more accurately reflect purpose
- // Pad drive current fiddling
- #undef DEBUG_PADS
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <poll.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "wiringPi.h"
- // Function stubs
- void (*pinMode) (int pin, int mode) ;
- void (*pullUpDnControl) (int pin, int pud) ;
- void (*digitalWrite) (int pin, int value) ;
- void (*pwmWrite) (int pin, int value) ;
- void (*setPadDrive) (int group, int value) ;
- int (*digitalRead) (int pin) ;
- int (*waitForInterrupt) (int pin, int mS) ;
- void (*delayMicroseconds) (unsigned int howLong) ;
- void (*pwmSetMode) (int mode) ;
- void (*pwmSetRange) (unsigned int range) ;
- void (*pwmSetClock) (int divisor) ;
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE (1==1)
- #define FALSE (1==2)
- #endif
- // BCM Magic
- #define BCM_PASSWORD 0x5A000000
- // Port function select bits
- #define FSEL_INPT 0b000
- #define FSEL_OUTP 0b001
- #define FSEL_ALT0 0b100
- #define FSEL_ALT0 0b100
- #define FSEL_ALT1 0b101
- #define FSEL_ALT2 0b110
- #define FSEL_ALT3 0b111
- #define FSEL_ALT4 0b011
- #define FSEL_ALT5 0b010
- // Access from ARM Running Linux
- // Take from Gert/Doms code. Some of this is not in the manual
- // that I can find )-:
- #define BCM2708_PERI_BASE 0x20000000
- #define GPIO_PADS (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x100000)
- #define CLOCK_BASE (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x101000)
- #define GPIO_BASE (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x200000)
- #define GPIO_TIMER (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x00B000)
- #define GPIO_PWM (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x20C000)
- #define PAGE_SIZE (4*1024)
- #define BLOCK_SIZE (4*1024)
- // PWM
- #define PWM_CONTROL 0
- #define PWM_STATUS 1
- #define PWM0_RANGE 4
- #define PWM0_DATA 5
- #define PWM1_RANGE 8
- #define PWM1_DATA 9
- #define PWMCLK_CNTL 40
- #define PWMCLK_DIV 41
- #define PWM1_MS_MODE 0x8000 // Run in MS mode
- #define PWM1_USEFIFO 0x2000 // Data from FIFO
- #define PWM1_REVPOLAR 0x1000 // Reverse polarity
- #define PWM1_OFFSTATE 0x0800 // Ouput Off state
- #define PWM1_REPEATFF 0x0400 // Repeat last value if FIFO empty
- #define PWM1_SERIAL 0x0200 // Run in serial mode
- #define PWM1_ENABLE 0x0100 // Channel Enable
- #define PWM0_MS_MODE 0x0080 // Run in MS mode
- #define PWM0_USEFIFO 0x0020 // Data from FIFO
- #define PWM0_REVPOLAR 0x0010 // Reverse polarity
- #define PWM0_OFFSTATE 0x0008 // Ouput Off state
- #define PWM0_REPEATFF 0x0004 // Repeat last value if FIFO empty
- #define PWM0_SERIAL 0x0002 // Run in serial mode
- #define PWM0_ENABLE 0x0001 // Channel Enable
- // Timer
- #define TIMER_LOAD (0x400 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_VALUE (0x404 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_CONTROL (0x408 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_IRQ_CLR (0x40C >> 2)
- #define TIMER_IRQ_RAW (0x410 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_IRQ_MASK (0x414 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_RELOAD (0x418 >> 2)
- #define TIMER_PRE_DIV (0x41C >> 2)
- #define TIMER_COUNTER (0x420 >> 2)
- // Locals to hold pointers to the hardware
- static volatile uint32_t *gpio ;
- static volatile uint32_t *pwm ;
- static volatile uint32_t *clk ;
- static volatile uint32_t *pads ;
- static volatile uint32_t *timer ;
- static volatile uint32_t *timerIrqRaw ;
- // Debugging
- static int wiringPiDebug = FALSE ;
- // The BCM2835 has 54 GPIO pins.
- // BCM2835 data sheet, Page 90 onwards.
- // There are 6 control registers, each control the functions of a block
- // of 10 pins.
- // Each control register has 10 sets of 3 bits per GPIO pin:
- //
- // 000 = GPIO Pin X is an input
- // 001 = GPIO Pin X is an output
- // 100 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 0
- // 101 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 1
- // 110 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 2
- // 111 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 3
- // 011 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 4
- // 010 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 5
- //
- // So the 3 bits for port X are:
- // X / 10 + ((X % 10) * 3)
- // sysFds:
- // Map a file descriptor from the /sys/class/gpio/gpioX/value
- static int sysFds [64] ;
- // Doing it the Arduino way with lookup tables...
- // Yes, it's probably more innefficient than all the bit-twidling, but it
- // does tend to make it all a bit clearer. At least to me!
- // pinToGpio:
- // Take a Wiring pin (0 through X) and re-map it to the BCM_GPIO pin
- // Cope for 2 different board revieions here
- static int *pinToGpio ;
- static int pinToGpioR1 [64] =
- {
- 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4, // From the Original Wiki - GPIO 0 through 7
- 0, 1, // I2C - SDA0, SCL0
- 8, 7, // SPI - CE1, CE0
- 10, 9, 11, // SPI - MOSI, MISO, SCLK
- 14, 15, // UART - Tx, Rx
- // Padding:
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 31
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 47
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 63
- } ;
- static int pinToGpioR2 [64] =
- {
- 17, 18, 27, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4, // From the Original Wiki - GPIO 0 through 7: wpi 0 - 7
- 2, 3, // I2C - SDA0, SCL0 wpi 8 - 9
- 8, 7, // SPI - CE1, CE0 wpi 10 - 11
- 10, 9, 11, // SPI - MOSI, MISO, SCLK wpi 12 - 14
- 14, 15, // UART - Tx, Rx wpi 15 - 16
- 28, 29, 30, 31, // New GPIOs 8 though 11 wpi 17 - 20
- // Padding:
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 31
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 47
- -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // ... 63
- } ;
- // gpioToGPFSEL:
- // Map a BCM_GPIO pin to it's control port. (GPFSEL 0-5)
- static uint8_t gpioToGPFSEL [] =
- {
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
- 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
- 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,
- 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,
- 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
- } ;
- // gpioToShift
- // Define the shift up for the 3 bits per pin in each GPFSEL port
- static uint8_t gpioToShift [] =
- {
- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
- } ;
- // gpioToGPSET:
- // (Word) offset to the GPIO Set registers for each GPIO pin
- static uint8_t gpioToGPSET [] =
- {
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
- 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
- } ;
- // gpioToGPCLR:
- // (Word) offset to the GPIO Clear registers for each GPIO pin
- static uint8_t gpioToGPCLR [] =
- {
- 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,
- 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,
- } ;
- // gpioToGPLEV:
- // (Word) offset to the GPIO Input level registers for each GPIO pin
- static uint8_t gpioToGPLEV [] =
- {
- 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,
- 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,
- } ;
- #ifdef notYetReady
- // gpioToEDS
- // (Word) offset to the Event Detect Status
- static uint8_t gpioToEDS [] =
- {
- 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,
- 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,
- } ;
- // gpioToREN
- // (Word) offset to the Rising edgde ENable register
- static uint8_t gpioToREN [] =
- {
- 19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,
- 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,
- } ;
- // gpioToFEN
- // (Word) offset to the Falling edgde ENable register
- static uint8_t gpioToFEN [] =
- {
- 22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,
- 23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,
- } ;
- #endif
- // gpioToPUDCLK
- // (Word) offset to the Pull Up Down Clock regsiter
- #define GPPUD 37
- static uint8_t gpioToPUDCLK [] =
- {
- 38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,
- 39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,39,
- } ;
- // gpioToPwmALT
- // the ALT value to put a GPIO pin into PWM mode
- static uint8_t gpioToPwmALT [] =
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0 -> 7
- 0, 0, 0, 0, FSEL_ALT0, FSEL_ALT0, 0, 0, // 8 -> 15
- 0, 0, FSEL_ALT5, FSEL_ALT5, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16 -> 23
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 24 -> 31
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 32 -> 39
- FSEL_ALT0, FSEL_ALT0, 0, 0, 0, FSEL_ALT0, 0, 0, // 40 -> 47
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 -> 55
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56 -> 63
- } ;
- static uint8_t gpioToPwmPort [] =
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0 -> 7
- 0, 0, 0, 0, PWM0_DATA, PWM1_DATA, 0, 0, // 8 -> 15
- 0, 0, PWM0_DATA, PWM1_DATA, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16 -> 23
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 24 -> 31
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 32 -> 39
- PWM0_DATA, PWM1_DATA, 0, 0, 0, PWM1_DATA, 0, 0, // 40 -> 47
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 -> 55
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56 -> 63
- } ;
- // Time for easy calculations
- static unsigned long long epoch ;
- /*
- * Functions
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- /*
- * wpiPinToGpio:
- * Translate a wiringPi Pin number to native GPIO pin number.
- * (We don't use this here, prefering to just do the lookup directly,
- * but it's been requested!)
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int wpiPinToGpio (int wpiPin)
- {
- return pinToGpio [wpiPin & 63] ;
- }
- /*
- * piBoardRev:
- * Return a number representing the hardware revision of the board.
- * Revision is currently 1 or 2. -1 is returned on error.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int piBoardRev (void)
- {
- FILE *cpuFd ;
- char line [80] ;
- char *c ;
- int r = -1 ;
- static int boardRev = -1 ;
- // No point checking twice...
- if (boardRev != -1)
- return boardRev ;
- if ((cpuFd = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL)
- return -1 ;
- while (fgets (line, 80, cpuFd) != NULL)
- if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) == 0)
- for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
- {
- if (!isdigit (*c))
- continue ;
- r = atoi (c) ;
- break ;
- }
- fclose (cpuFd) ;
- if (r == -1)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "piBoardRev: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/cpuinfo\n") ;
- errno = 0 ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // If you have overvolted the Pi, then it appears that the revision
- // has 100000 added to it!
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- if (r > 1000)
- printf ("piboardRev: This Pi has/is overvolted!\n") ;
- r %= 100 ;
- /**/ if ((r == 2) || (r == 3))
- boardRev = 1 ;
- else if ((r == 4) || (r == 5) || (r == 6))
- boardRev = 2 ;
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: wiringPi: Unable to determine board revision from \"%d\"\n", r) ;
- fprintf (stderr, " -> You may want to check:\n") ;
- fprintf (stderr, " -> http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=184410#p184410\n") ;
- fprintf (stderr, " -> Assuming a Rev 1 board\n") ;
- boardRev = 1 ;
- }
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("piboardRev: Revision: %d, board revision: %d\n", r, boardRev) ;
- return boardRev ;
- }
- /*
- * pinMode:
- * Sets the mode of a pin to be input, output or PWM output
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pinModeGpio (int pin, int mode)
- {
- int fSel, shift, alt ;
- pin &= 63 ;
- fSel = gpioToGPFSEL [pin] ;
- shift = gpioToShift [pin] ;
- /**/ if (mode == INPUT)
- *(gpio + fSel) = (*(gpio + fSel) & ~(7 << shift)) ; // Sets bits to zero = input
- else if (mode == OUTPUT)
- *(gpio + fSel) = (*(gpio + fSel) & ~(7 << shift)) | (1 << shift) ;
- else if (mode == PWM_OUTPUT)
- {
- if ((alt = gpioToPwmALT [pin]) == 0) // Not a PWM pin
- return ;
- // Set pin to PWM mode
- *(gpio + fSel) = (*(gpio + fSel) & ~(7 << shift)) | (alt << shift) ;
- // Page 107 of the BCM Peripherals manual talks about the GPIO clocks,
- // but I'm assuming (hoping!) that this applies to other clocks too.
- *(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) = 0 ; // Stop PWM
- *(clk + PWMCLK_CNTL) = BCM_PASSWORD | 0x01 ; // Stop PWM Clock
- delayMicroseconds (110) ; // See comments in pwmSetClockWPi
- (void)*(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) ;
- while ((*(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) & 0x80) != 0) // Wait for clock to be !BUSY
- delayMicroseconds (1) ;
- *(clk + PWMCLK_DIV) = BCM_PASSWORD | (32 << 12) ; // set pwm div to 32 (19.2/32 = 600KHz)
- *(clk + PWMCLK_CNTL) = BCM_PASSWORD | 0x11 ; // enable clk
- // Default range regsiter of 1024
- *(pwm + PWM0_DATA) = 0 ; *(pwm + PWM0_RANGE) = 1024 ;
- *(pwm + PWM1_DATA) = 0 ; *(pwm + PWM1_RANGE) = 1024 ;
- // Enable PWMs in balanced mode (default)
- }
- // When we change mode of any pin, we remove the pull up/downs
- // Or we used to... Hm. Commented out now because for some wieird reason,
- // it seems to block subsequent attempts to set the pull up/downs and I've
- // not quite gotten to the bottom of why this happens
- // The down-side is that the pull up/downs are rememberd in the SoC between
- // power cycles, so it's going to be a good idea to explicitly set them in
- // any new code.
- //
- // pullUpDnControl (pin, PUD_OFF) ;
- }
- void pinModeWPi (int pin, int mode)
- {
- pinModeGpio (pinToGpio [pin & 63], mode) ;
- }
- void pinModeSys (int pin, int mode)
- {
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * pwmControl:
- * Allow the user to control some of the PWM functions
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pwmSetModeWPi (int mode)
- {
- if (mode == PWM_MODE_MS)
- else
- }
- void pwmSetModeSys (int mode)
- {
- return ;
- }
- void pwmSetRangeWPi (unsigned int range)
- {
- *(pwm + PWM0_RANGE) = range ; delayMicroseconds (10) ;
- *(pwm + PWM1_RANGE) = range ; delayMicroseconds (10) ;
- }
- void pwmSetRangeSys (unsigned int range)
- {
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * pwmSetClockWPi:
- * Set/Change the PWM clock. Originally my code, but changed
- * (for the better!) by Chris Hall, <chris@kchall.plus.com>
- * after further study of the manual and testing with a 'scope
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pwmSetClockWPi (int divisor)
- {
- unsigned int pwm_control ;
- divisor &= 4095 ;
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("Setting to: %d. Current: 0x%08X\n", divisor, *(clk + PWMCLK_DIV)) ;
- pwm_control = *(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) ; // preserve PWM_CONTROL
- // We need to stop PWM prior to stopping PWM clock in MS mode otherwise BUSY
- // stays high.
- *(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) = 0 ; // Stop PWM
- // Stop PWM clock before changing divisor. The delay after this does need to
- // this big (95uS occasionally fails, 100uS OK), it's almost as though the BUSY
- // flag is not working properly in balanced mode. Without the delay when DIV is
- // adjusted the clock sometimes switches to very slow, once slow further DIV
- // adjustments do nothing and it's difficult to get out of this mode.
- *(clk + PWMCLK_CNTL) = BCM_PASSWORD | 0x01 ; // Stop PWM Clock
- delayMicroseconds (110) ; // prevents clock going sloooow
- while ((*(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) & 0x80) != 0) // Wait for clock to be !BUSY
- delayMicroseconds (1) ;
- *(clk + PWMCLK_DIV) = BCM_PASSWORD | (divisor << 12) ;
- *(clk + PWMCLK_CNTL) = BCM_PASSWORD | 0x11 ; // Start PWM clock
- *(pwm + PWM_CONTROL) = pwm_control ; // restore PWM_CONTROL
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("Set to: %d. Now : 0x%08X\n", divisor, *(clk + PWMCLK_DIV)) ;
- }
- void pwmSetClockSys (int divisor)
- {
- return ;
- }
- #ifdef notYetReady
- /*
- * pinED01:
- * pinED10:
- * Enables edge-detect mode on a pin - from a 0 to a 1 or 1 to 0
- * Pin must already be in input mode with appropriate pull up/downs set.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pinEnableED01Pi (int pin)
- {
- pin = pinToGpio [pin & 63] ;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * digitalWrite:
- * Set an output bit
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void digitalWriteWPi (int pin, int value)
- {
- pin = pinToGpio [pin & 63] ;
- if (value == LOW)
- *(gpio + gpioToGPCLR [pin]) = 1 << (pin & 31) ;
- else
- *(gpio + gpioToGPSET [pin]) = 1 << (pin & 31) ;
- }
- void digitalWriteGpio (int pin, int value)
- {
- pin &= 63 ;
- if (value == LOW)
- *(gpio + gpioToGPCLR [pin]) = 1 << (pin & 31) ;
- else
- *(gpio + gpioToGPSET [pin]) = 1 << (pin & 31) ;
- }
- void digitalWriteSys (int pin, int value)
- {
- pin &= 63 ;
- if (sysFds [pin] != -1)
- {
- if (value == LOW)
- write (sysFds [pin], "0\n", 2) ;
- else
- write (sysFds [pin], "1\n", 2) ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * pwmWrite:
- * Set an output PWM value
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pwmWriteGpio (int pin, int value)
- {
- int port ;
- pin = pin & 63 ;
- port = gpioToPwmPort [pin] ;
- *(pwm + port) = value ;
- }
- void pwmWriteWPi (int pin, int value)
- {
- pwmWriteGpio (pinToGpio [pin & 63], value) ;
- }
- void pwmWriteSys (int pin, int value)
- {
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * setPadDrive:
- * Set the PAD driver value
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void setPadDriveWPi (int group, int value)
- {
- uint32_t wrVal ;
- if ((group < 0) || (group > 2))
- return ;
- wrVal = BCM_PASSWORD | 0x18 | (value & 7) ;
- *(pads + group + 11) = wrVal ;
- #ifdef DEBUG_PADS
- printf ("setPadDrive: Group: %d, value: %d (%08X)\n", group, value, wrVal) ;
- printf ("Read : %08X\n", *(pads + group + 11)) ;
- #endif
- }
- void setPadDriveGpio (int group, int value)
- {
- setPadDriveWPi (group, value) ;
- }
- void setPadDriveSys (int group, int value)
- {
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * digitalRead:
- * Read the value of a given Pin, returning HIGH or LOW
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int digitalReadWPi (int pin)
- {
- pin = pinToGpio [pin & 63] ;
- if ((*(gpio + gpioToGPLEV [pin]) & (1 << (pin & 31))) != 0)
- return HIGH ;
- else
- return LOW ;
- }
- int digitalReadGpio (int pin)
- {
- pin &= 63 ;
- if ((*(gpio + gpioToGPLEV [pin]) & (1 << (pin & 31))) != 0)
- return HIGH ;
- else
- return LOW ;
- }
- int digitalReadSys (int pin)
- {
- char c ;
- pin &= 63 ;
- if (sysFds [pin] == -1)
- return 0 ;
- lseek (sysFds [pin], 0L, SEEK_SET) ;
- read (sysFds [pin], &c, 1) ;
- return (c == '0') ? 0 : 1 ;
- }
- /*
- * pullUpDownCtrl:
- * Control the internal pull-up/down resistors on a GPIO pin
- * The Arduino only has pull-ups and these are enabled by writing 1
- * to a port when in input mode - this paradigm doesn't quite apply
- * here though.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void pullUpDnControlGpio (int pin, int pud)
- {
- pin &= 63 ;
- pud &= 3 ;
- *(gpio + GPPUD) = pud ; delayMicroseconds (5) ;
- *(gpio + gpioToPUDCLK [pin]) = 1 << (pin & 31) ; delayMicroseconds (5) ;
- *(gpio + GPPUD) = 0 ; delayMicroseconds (5) ;
- *(gpio + gpioToPUDCLK [pin]) = 0 ; delayMicroseconds (5) ;
- }
- void pullUpDnControlWPi (int pin, int pud)
- {
- pullUpDnControlGpio (pinToGpio [pin & 63], pud) ;
- }
- void pullUpDnControlSys (int pin, int pud)
- {
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * waitForInterrupt:
- * Wait for Interrupt on a GPIO pin.
- * This is actually done via the /sys/class/gpio interface regardless of
- * the wiringPi access mode in-use. Maybe sometime it might get a better
- * way for a bit more efficiency.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int waitForInterruptSys (int pin, int mS)
- {
- int fd, x ;
- char buf [8] ;
- struct pollfd polls ;
- if ((fd = sysFds [pin & 63]) == -1)
- return -2 ;
- // Do a dummy read
- x = read (fd, buf, 6) ;
- if (x < 0)
- return x ;
- // And seek
- lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
- // Setup poll structure
- polls.fd = fd ;
- polls.events = POLLPRI ; // Urgent data!
- // Wait for it ...
- return poll (&polls, 1, mS) ;
- }
- int waitForInterruptWPi (int pin, int mS)
- {
- return waitForInterruptSys (pinToGpio [pin & 63], mS) ;
- }
- int waitForInterruptGpio (int pin, int mS)
- {
- return waitForInterruptSys (pin, mS) ;
- }
- /*
- * delay:
- * Wait for some number of milli seconds
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void delay (unsigned int howLong)
- {
- struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;
- sleeper.tv_sec = (time_t)(howLong / 1000) ;
- sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(howLong % 1000) * 1000000 ;
- nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy) ;
- }
- /*
- * delayMicroseconds:
- * This is somewhat intersting. It seems that on the Pi, a single call
- * to nanosleep takes some 80 to 130 microseconds anyway, so while
- * obeying the standards (may take longer), it's not always what we
- * want!
- *
- * So what I'll do now is if the delay is less than 100uS we'll do it
- * in a hard loop, watching a built-in counter on the ARM chip. This is
- * somewhat sub-optimal in that it uses 100% CPU, something not an issue
- * in a microcontroller, but under a multi-tasking, multi-user OS, it's
- * wastefull, however we've no real choice )-:
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- void delayMicrosecondsSys (unsigned int howLong)
- {
- struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;
- sleeper.tv_sec = 0 ;
- sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(howLong * 1000) ;
- nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy) ;
- }
- void delayMicrosecondsHard (unsigned int howLong)
- {
- *(timer + TIMER_LOAD) = howLong ;
- *(timer + TIMER_IRQ_CLR) = 0 ;
- while (*timerIrqRaw == 0)
- ;
- }
- void delayMicrosecondsWPi (unsigned int howLong)
- {
- struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;
- /**/ if (howLong == 0)
- return ;
- else if (howLong < 100)
- delayMicrosecondsHard (howLong) ;
- else
- {
- sleeper.tv_sec = 0 ;
- sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(howLong * 1000) ;
- nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy) ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * millis:
- * Return a number of milliseconds as an unsigned int.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- unsigned int millis (void)
- {
- struct timeval tv ;
- unsigned long long t1 ;
- gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) ;
- t1 = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ;
- return (uint32_t)(t1 - epoch) ;
- }
- /*
- * wiringPiSetup:
- * Must be called once at the start of your program execution.
- *
- * Default setup: Initialises the system into wiringPi Pin mode and uses the
- * memory mapped hardware directly.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int wiringPiSetup (void)
- {
- int fd ;
- int boardRev ;
- uint8_t *gpioMem, *pwmMem, *clkMem, *padsMem, *timerMem ;
- struct timeval tv ;
- if (getenv ("WIRINGPI_DEBUG") != NULL)
- wiringPiDebug = TRUE ;
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("wiringPi: wiringPiSetup called\n") ;
- pinMode = pinModeWPi ;
- pullUpDnControl = pullUpDnControlWPi ;
- digitalWrite = digitalWriteWPi ;
- pwmWrite = pwmWriteWPi ;
- setPadDrive = setPadDriveWPi ;
- digitalRead = digitalReadWPi ;
- waitForInterrupt = waitForInterruptWPi ;
- delayMicroseconds = delayMicrosecondsWPi ;
- pwmSetMode = pwmSetModeWPi ;
- pwmSetRange = pwmSetRangeWPi ;
- pwmSetClock = pwmSetClockWPi ;
- if ((boardRev = piBoardRev ()) < 0)
- return -1 ;
- if (boardRev == 1)
- pinToGpio = pinToGpioR1 ;
- else
- pinToGpio = pinToGpioR2 ;
- // Open the master /dev/memory device
- if ((fd = open ("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC) ) < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: Unable to open /dev/mem: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // GPIO:
- // Allocate 2 pages - 1 ...
- if ((gpioMem = malloc (BLOCK_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1))) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: malloc failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // ... presumably to make sure we can round it up to a whole page size
- if (((uint32_t)gpioMem % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
- gpioMem += PAGE_SIZE - ((uint32_t)gpioMem % PAGE_SIZE) ;
- gpio = (uint32_t *)mmap((caddr_t)gpioMem, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, GPIO_BASE) ;
- if ((int32_t)gpio < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: mmap failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // PWM
- if ((pwmMem = malloc (BLOCK_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1))) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: pwmMem malloc failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- if (((uint32_t)pwmMem % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
- pwmMem += PAGE_SIZE - ((uint32_t)pwmMem % PAGE_SIZE) ;
- pwm = (uint32_t *)mmap(pwmMem, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, GPIO_PWM) ;
- if ((int32_t)pwm < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: mmap failed (pwm): %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // Clock control (needed for PWM)
- if ((clkMem = malloc (BLOCK_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1))) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: clkMem malloc failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- if (((uint32_t)clkMem % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
- clkMem += PAGE_SIZE - ((uint32_t)clkMem % PAGE_SIZE) ;
- clk = (uint32_t *)mmap(clkMem, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, CLOCK_BASE) ;
- if ((int32_t)clk < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: mmap failed (clk): %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // The drive pads
- if ((padsMem = malloc (BLOCK_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1))) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: padsMem malloc failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- if (((uint32_t)padsMem % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
- padsMem += PAGE_SIZE - ((uint32_t)padsMem % PAGE_SIZE) ;
- pads = (uint32_t *)mmap(padsMem, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, GPIO_PADS) ;
- if ((int32_t)pads < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: mmap failed (pads): %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_PADS
- printf ("Checking pads @ 0x%08X\n", (unsigned int)pads) ;
- printf (" -> %08X %08X %08X\n", *(pads + 11), *(pads + 12), *(pads + 13)) ;
- #endif
- // The system timer
- if ((timerMem = malloc (BLOCK_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1))) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: timerMem malloc failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- if (((uint32_t)timerMem % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
- timerMem += PAGE_SIZE - ((uint32_t)timerMem % PAGE_SIZE) ;
- timer = (uint32_t *)mmap(timerMem, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED, fd, GPIO_TIMER) ;
- if ((int32_t)timer < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "wiringPiSetup: mmap failed (timer): %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // Set the timer to free-running, 1MHz.
- // 0xF9 is 249, the timer divide is base clock / (divide+1)
- // so base clock is 250MHz / 250 = 1MHz.
- *(timer + TIMER_CONTROL) = 0x0000280 ;
- *(timer + TIMER_PRE_DIV) = 0x00000F9 ;
- timerIrqRaw = timer + TIMER_IRQ_RAW ;
- // Initialise our epoch for millis()
- gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) ;
- epoch = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- /*
- * wiringPiSetupGpio:
- * Must be called once at the start of your program execution.
- *
- * GPIO setup: Initialises the system into GPIO Pin mode and uses the
- * memory mapped hardware directly.
- *********************************************************************************
- */
- int wiringPiSetupGpio (void)
- {
- int x ;
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("wiringPi: wiringPiSetupGpio called\n") ;
- if ((x = wiringPiSetup ()) < 0)
- return x ;
- pinMode = pinModeGpio ;
- pullUpDnControl = pullUpDnControlGpio ;
- digitalWrite = digitalWriteGpio ;
- pwmWrite = pwmWriteGpio ;
- setPadDrive = setPadDriveGpio ;
- digitalRead = digitalReadGpio ;
- waitForInterrupt = waitForInterruptGpio ;
- delayMicroseconds = delayMicrosecondsWPi ; // Same
- pwmSetMode = pwmSetModeWPi ;
- pwmSetRange = pwmSetRangeWPi ;
- pwmSetClock = pwmSetClockWPi ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- /*
- * wiringPiSetupSys:
- * Must be called once at the start of your program execution.
- *
- * Initialisation (again), however this time we are using the /sys/class/gpio
- * interface to the GPIO systems - slightly slower, but always usable as
- * a non-root user, assuming the devices are already exported and setup correctly.
- */
- int wiringPiSetupSys (void)
- {
- int pin ;
- struct timeval tv ;
- char fName [128] ;
- if (wiringPiDebug)
- printf ("wiringPi: wiringPiSetupSys called\n") ;
- pinMode = pinModeSys ;
- pullUpDnControl = pullUpDnControlSys ;
- digitalWrite = digitalWriteSys ;
- pwmWrite = pwmWriteSys ;
- setPadDrive = setPadDriveSys ;
- digitalRead = digitalReadSys ;
- waitForInterrupt = waitForInterruptSys ;
- delayMicroseconds = delayMicrosecondsSys ;
- pwmSetMode = pwmSetModeSys ;
- pwmSetRange = pwmSetRangeSys ;
- pwmSetClock = pwmSetClockSys ;
- // Open and scan the directory, looking for exported GPIOs, and pre-open
- // the 'value' interface to speed things up for later
- for (pin = 0 ; pin < 64 ; ++pin)
- {
- sprintf (fName, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", pin) ;
- sysFds [pin] = open (fName, O_RDWR) ;
- }
- // Initialise the epoch for mills() ...
- gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) ;
- epoch = (tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ;
- return 0 ;
- }