/* * isr3.c: * Wait for Interrupt test program WiringPi >=3.2 - ISR method * * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // globalCounter: // Global variable to count interrupts // Should be declared volatile to make sure the compiler doesn't cache it. static volatile int globalCounter; volatile long long gStartTime, gEndTime; /* * myInterrupt: ********************************************************************************* */ static void wfi (void) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); if (0==gStartTime) { gStartTime = now.tv_sec*1000000LL + now.tv_usec; } else { gEndTime = now.tv_sec*1000000LL + now.tv_usec; } globalCounter++; } /* ********************************************************************************* * main ********************************************************************************* */ double StartSequence (int Enge, int OUTpin) { int expected; double timeExpected; gStartTime = 0; gEndTime = 0; globalCounter = 0; printf("Start\n"); digitalWrite(OUTpin, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(OUTpin, LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(OUTpin, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(OUTpin, LOW); delay(100); printf("Stop\n"); int globalCounterCopy = globalCounter; if (INT_EDGE_BOTH == Enge) { expected = 4; timeExpected = 500; } else { expected = 2; timeExpected = 300; } if(globalCounter==expected) { double fTime = (gEndTime - gStartTime) / 1000000.0; printf("IRQ worked %g sec (~%gs expected)\n\n", fTime, timeExpected/1000.0); return fTime; } else { printf("IRQ not worked got %d iterations (%d exprected)\n\n", globalCounterCopy, expected); return 0; } } double DurationTime(int Enge, int OUTpin, int IRQpin) { struct timeval now; double fTime = 0.0; gStartTime = 0; gEndTime = 0; globalCounter = 0; printf("Start\n"); if (INT_EDGE_RISING == Enge) { digitalWrite(OUTpin, LOW); wiringPiISR (IRQpin, INT_EDGE_RISING, &wfi) ; sleep(1); gettimeofday(&now, 0); gStartTime = now.tv_sec*1000000LL + now.tv_usec; digitalWrite(OUTpin, HIGH); delay(20); digitalWrite(OUTpin, LOW); } else if (INT_EDGE_FALLING == Enge) { digitalWrite(OUTpin, HIGH); wiringPiISR (IRQpin, INT_EDGE_FALLING, &wfi) ; sleep(1); gettimeofday(&now, 0); gStartTime = now.tv_sec*1000000LL + now.tv_usec; digitalWrite(OUTpin, LOW); } sleep(1); fTime = (gEndTime - gStartTime); printf("IRQ detect time %g usec\n\n", fTime); wiringPiISRStop (IRQpin) ; return fTime; } int main (void) { const int IRQpin = 22 ; const int OUTpin = 25 ; int major, minor; wiringPiVersion(&major, &minor); printf("\nISR test (WiringPi %d.%d)\n", major, minor); wiringPiSetupGpio() ; pinMode(IRQpin, INPUT); pinMode(OUTpin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (OUTpin, LOW) ; printf("Testing IRQ @ GPIO%d with trigger @ GPIO%d rising\n", IRQpin, OUTpin); wiringPiISR (IRQpin, INT_EDGE_RISING, &wfi) ; sleep(1); StartSequence (INT_EDGE_RISING, OUTpin); printf("Testing close\n"); wiringPiISRStop (IRQpin) ; printf("Testing IRQ @ GPIO%d with trigger @ GPIO%d falling\n", IRQpin, OUTpin); wiringPiISR (IRQpin, INT_EDGE_FALLING, &wfi) ; sleep(1); StartSequence (INT_EDGE_FALLING, OUTpin); printf("Testing close\n"); wiringPiISRStop (IRQpin) ; printf("Testing IRQ @ GPIO%d with trigger @ GPIO%d both\n", IRQpin, OUTpin); wiringPiISR (IRQpin, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &wfi) ; sleep(1); StartSequence (INT_EDGE_BOTH, OUTpin); printf("Testing close\n"); wiringPiISRStop (IRQpin) ; for (int count=0; count<2; count++) { printf("Measuring duration IRQ @ GPIO%d with trigger @ GPIO%d rising\n", IRQpin, OUTpin); DurationTime(INT_EDGE_RISING, OUTpin, IRQpin); printf("Measuring duration IRQ @ GPIO%d with trigger @ GPIO%d falling\n", IRQpin, OUTpin); DurationTime(INT_EDGE_FALLING, OUTpin, IRQpin); } pinMode(OUTpin, INPUT); return 0 ; }