@@ -72,15 +72,11 @@ char *usage = "Usage: gpio -v\n"
" gpio <mode/read/write/aread/awritewb/pwm/pwmTone/clock> ...\n"
" gpio <mode/read/write/aread/awritewb/pwm/pwmTone/clock> ...\n"
" gpio <toggle/blink> <pin>\n"
" gpio <toggle/blink> <pin>\n"
" gpio readall\n"
" gpio readall\n"
// " gpio unexportall/exports\n"
// " gpio export/edge/unexport ...\n"
" gpio wfi <pin> <mode>\n"
" gpio wfi <pin> <mode>\n"
" gpio drive <group> <value>\n"
" gpio drive <group> <value>\n"
" gpio pwm-bal/pwm-ms \n"
" gpio pwm-bal/pwm-ms \n"
" gpio pwmr <range> \n"
" gpio pwmr <range> \n"
" gpio pwmc <divider> \n"
" gpio pwmc <divider> \n"
" gpio load spi/i2c\n"
" gpio unload spi/i2c\n"
" gpio i2cd/i2cdetect\n"
" gpio i2cd/i2cdetect\n"
" gpio rbx/rbd\n"
" gpio rbx/rbd\n"
" gpio wb <value>\n"
" gpio wb <value>\n"
@@ -110,287 +106,6 @@ static int decodePin (const char *str)
* findExecutable:
* Code to locate the path to the given executable. We have a fixed list
* of locations to try which completely overrides any $PATH environment.
* This may be detrimental, however it avoids the reliance on $PATH
* which may be a security issue when this program is run a set-uid-root.
static const char *searchPath [] =
} ;
static char *findExecutable (const char *progName)
static char *path = NULL ;
int len = strlen (progName) ;
int i = 0 ;
struct stat statBuf ;
for (i = 0 ; searchPath [i] != NULL ; ++i)
path = malloc (strlen (searchPath [i]) + len + 2) ;
sprintf (path, "%s/%s", searchPath [i], progName) ;
if (stat (path, &statBuf) == 0)
return path ;
free (path) ;
return NULL ;
* changeOwner:
* Change the ownership of the file to the real userId of the calling
* program so we can access it.
static void changeOwner (char *cmd, char *file)
uid_t uid = getuid () ;
uid_t gid = getgid () ;
if (chown (file, uid, gid) != 0)
// Removed (ignoring) the check for not existing as I'm fed-up with morons telling me that
// the warning message is an error.
if (errno != ENOENT)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to change ownership of %s: %s\n", cmd, file, strerror (errno)) ;
* moduleLoaded:
* Return true/false if the supplied module is loaded
static int moduleLoaded (char *modName)
int len = strlen (modName) ;
int found = FALSE ;
FILE *fd = fopen ("/proc/modules", "r") ;
char line [80] ;
if (fd == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "gpio: Unable to check /proc/modules: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
exit (1) ;
while (fgets (line, 80, fd) != NULL)
if (strncmp (line, modName, len) != 0)
continue ;
found = TRUE ;
break ;
fclose (fd) ;
return found ;
* doLoad:
* Load either the spi or i2c modules and change device ownerships, etc.
static void checkDevTree (char *argv [])
struct stat statBuf ;
if (stat ("/proc/device-tree", &statBuf) == 0) // We're on a devtree system ...
fprintf (stderr,
"%s: Unable to load/unload modules as this Pi has the device tree enabled.\n"
" You need to run the raspi-config program (as root) and select the\n"
" modules (SPI or I2C) that you wish to load/unload there and reboot.\n", argv [0]) ;
exit (1) ;
static void _doLoadUsage (char *argv [])
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s load <spi/i2c> [I2C baudrate in Kb/sec]\n", argv [0]) ;
exit (1) ;
static void doLoad (int argc, char *argv [])
char *module1, *module2 ;
char cmd [80] ;
char *file1, *file2 ;
char args1 [32], args2 [32] ;
checkDevTree (argv) ;
if (argc < 3)
_doLoadUsage (argv) ;
args1 [0] = args2 [0] = 0 ;
/**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [2], "spi") == 0)
module1 = "spidev" ;
module2 = "spi_bcm2708" ;
file1 = "/dev/spidev0.0" ;
file2 = "/dev/spidev0.1" ;
if (argc == 4)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to set the buffer size now. Load aborted. Please see the man page.\n", argv [0]) ;
exit (1) ;
else if (argc > 4)
_doLoadUsage (argv) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [2], "i2c") == 0)
module1 = "i2c_dev" ;
module2 = "i2c_bcm2708" ;
file1 = "/dev/i2c-0" ;
file2 = "/dev/i2c-1" ;
if (argc == 4)
sprintf (args2, " baudrate=%d", atoi (argv [3]) * 1000) ;
else if (argc > 4)
_doLoadUsage (argv) ;
_doLoadUsage (argv) ;
if (findExecutable ("modprobe") == NULL)
printf ("No found\n") ;
if (!moduleLoaded (module1))
sprintf (cmd, "%s %s%s", findExecutable (MODPROBE), module1, args1) ;
int ret = system(cmd);
if (ret == -1) {
perror("Error executing command");
} else if (WIFEXITED(ret)) {
int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (exit_status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command failed with exit status %d\n", exit_status);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Command terminated by signal\n");
if (!moduleLoaded (module2))
sprintf (cmd, "%s %s%s", findExecutable (MODPROBE), module2, args2) ;
int ret = system(cmd);
if (ret == -1) {
perror("Error executing command");
} else if (WIFEXITED(ret)) {
int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (exit_status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command failed with exit status %d\n", exit_status);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Command terminated by signal\n");
if (!moduleLoaded (module2))
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to load %s\n", argv [0], module2) ;
exit (1) ;
sleep (1) ; // To let things get settled
changeOwner (argv [0], file1) ;
changeOwner (argv [0], file2) ;
* doUnLoad:
* Un-Load either the spi or i2c modules and change device ownerships, etc.
static void _doUnLoadUsage (char *argv [])
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s unload <spi/i2c>\n", argv [0]) ;
exit (1) ;
static void doUnLoad (int argc, char *argv [])
char *module1, *module2 ;
char cmd [80] ;
checkDevTree (argv) ;
if (argc != 3)
_doUnLoadUsage (argv) ;
/**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [2], "spi") == 0)
module1 = "spidev" ;
module2 = "spi_bcm2708" ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [2], "i2c") == 0)
module1 = "i2c_dev" ;
module2 = "i2c_bcm2708" ;
_doUnLoadUsage (argv) ;
if (moduleLoaded (module1))
sprintf (cmd, "%s %s", findExecutable (RMMOD), module1) ;
int ret = system(cmd);
if (ret == -1) {
perror("Error executing command");
} else if (WIFEXITED(ret)) {
int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (exit_status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command failed with exit status %d\n", exit_status);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Command terminated by signal\n");
if (moduleLoaded (module2))
sprintf (cmd, "%s %s", findExecutable (RMMOD), module2) ;
int ret = system(cmd);
if (ret == -1) {
perror("Error executing command");
} else if (WIFEXITED(ret)) {
int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (exit_status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command failed with exit status %d\n", exit_status);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Command terminated by signal\n");
* doI2Cdetect:
* doI2Cdetect:
@@ -398,28 +113,19 @@ static void doUnLoad (int argc, char *argv [])
static void doI2Cdetect (UNU int argc, char *argv [] )
static void doI2Cdetect (const char *progName )
int port = piGpioLayout () == GPIO_LAYOUT_PI1_REV1 ? 0 : 1 ;
int port = piGpioLayout () == GPIO_LAYOUT_PI1_REV1 ? 0 : 1 ;
char *c, *command ;
char command[64] ;
if ((c = findExecutable (I2CDETECT)) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to find i2cdetect command: %s\n", argv [0], strerror (errno)) ;
return ;
snprintf(command, 64, "i2cdetect -y %d", port);
int ret = system(command);
if (ret < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to run i2cdetect: %s\n", progName, strerror(errno)) ;
if (!moduleLoaded ("i2c_dev"))
fprintf (stderr, "%s: The I2C kernel module(s) are not loaded.\n", argv [0]) ;
return ;
if (0x7F00 == (ret & 0xFF00)) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: i2cdetect not found, please install i2c-tools\n", progName);
command = malloc (strlen (c) + 16) ;
sprintf (command, "%s -y %d", c, port) ;
if (system (command) < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to run i2cdetect: %s\n", argv [0], strerror (errno)) ;
@@ -427,6 +133,10 @@ void SYSFS_DEPRECATED(const char *progName) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: GPIO Sysfs Interface for Userspace is deprecated (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/gpio/sysfs.txt).\n Function is now useless and empty.\n\n", progName);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: GPIO Sysfs Interface for Userspace is deprecated (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/gpio/sysfs.txt).\n Function is now useless and empty.\n\n", progName);
void LOAD_DEPRECATED(const char *progName) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: load/unload modules is deprecated. You need to run the raspi-config program (as root) and select the interface option (SPI or I2C) that you wish to de-/activate.\n\n", progName);
* doExports: -> deprecated, removed
* doExports: -> deprecated, removed
* List all GPIO exports
* List all GPIO exports
@@ -1269,7 +979,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv [])
// Initial test for /sys/class/gpio operations: - -> deprecated, empty but still there
// Initial test for /sys/class/gpio operations: --> deprecated, empty but still there
/**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "exports" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
/**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "exports" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "export" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "export" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
@@ -1277,10 +987,10 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv [])
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexport" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexport" ) == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexportall") == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexportall") == 0) { SYSFS_DEPRECATED(argv[0]); return 0 ; }
// Check for load command:
// Check for un-/ load command: --> deprecated, empty but still there
if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "load" ) == 0) { doLoad (argc, argv ) ; return 0 ; }
if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unload" ) == 0) { doUnLoad (argc, argv ) ; return 0 ; }
if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "load" ) == 0) { LOAD_DEPRECATED(argv[0] ) ; return 0 ; }
if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unload" ) == 0) { LOAD_DEPRECATED(argv[0] ) ; return 0 ; }
// Check for usb power command
// Check for usb power command
@@ -1413,8 +1123,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv [])
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "nreadall" ) == 0) doReadall () ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "nreadall" ) == 0) doReadall () ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pins" ) == 0) doReadall () ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pins" ) == 0) doReadall () ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "qmode" ) == 0) doQmode (argc, argv) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "qmode" ) == 0) doQmode (argc, argv) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cdetect") == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, arg v) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cd" ) == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, arg v) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cdetect") == 0) doI2Cdetect (argv [0] ) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cd" ) == 0) doI2Cdetect (argv [0] ) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "reset" ) == 0) doReset (argv [0]) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "reset" ) == 0) doReset (argv [0]) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "wb" ) == 0) doWriteByte (argc, argv) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "wb" ) == 0) doWriteByte (argc, argv) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "rbx" ) == 0) doReadByte (argc, argv, TRUE) ;
else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "rbx" ) == 0) doReadByte (argc, argv, TRUE) ;