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CMakeLists.txt 1.5 KiB

  1. # CMakeLists.txt for wiringPi
  2. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
  3. project(WiringPi)
  4. # Source files
  5. set(SRC
  6. wiringPi.c
  7. wiringSerial.c wiringShift.c
  8. piHiPri.c piThread.c
  9. wiringPiSPI.c wiringPiI2C.c
  10. softPwm.c softTone.c
  11. mcp23008.c mcp23016.c mcp23017.c
  12. mcp23s08.c mcp23s17.c
  13. sr595.c
  14. pcf8574.c pcf8591.c
  15. mcp3002.c mcp3004.c mcp4802.c mcp3422.c
  16. max31855.c max5322.c ads1115.c
  17. sn3218.c
  18. bmp180.c htu21d.c ds18b20.c rht03.c
  19. drcSerial.c drcNet.c
  20. pseudoPins.c
  21. wpiExtensions.c
  22. wiringPiLegacy.c
  23. )
  24. # Headers
  25. set(HEADERS
  26. wiringPi.h
  27. wiringSerial.h wiringShift.h
  28. wiringPiSPI.h wiringPiI2C.h
  29. softPwm.h softTone.h
  30. mcp23008.h mcp23016.h mcp23017.h
  31. mcp23s08.h mcp23s17.h
  32. sr595.h
  33. pcf8574.h pcf8591.h
  34. mcp3002.h mcp3004.h mcp4802.h mcp3422.h
  35. max31855.h max5322.h ads1115.h
  36. sn3218.h
  37. bmp180.h htu21d.h ds18b20.h rht03.h
  38. drcSerial.h drcNet.h
  39. pseudoPins.h
  40. wpiExtensions.h
  41. )
  42. # Compiler flags
  43. set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Winline -pipe -Wformat-security")
  44. # Add the library target
  45. add_library(wiringPi SHARED ${SRC})
  46. # Set the library version
  48. target_include_directories(wiringPi PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
  49. # Add -lm to link with the math library
  50. target_link_libraries(wiringPi PUBLIC m crypt)
  51. # Install headers
  52. install(FILES ${HEADERS} DESTINATION include)
  53. # Install the library
  54. install(TARGETS wiringPi LIBRARY DESTINATION lib)