eggnogg on the pi zero 2w !
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Eggnogg on the Raspberry PI02W !

## Description

For all of you who need to run eggnoggplus on a raspberry pi to get frenzied parties, eggnoggpi is the right project.

In this readme, you will see how to setup a PI02W to autostart with eggnoggpi, so you only need to connect 2 controller, and a screen, power on the pi, and play !

## Setup raspbian lite 64 bit

First thing first, you’ll need to install raspbian lite on your pi, you can do this just by downloading rpi-image from the official raspberry pi website

You’ll then only need a minimum of 4Gb µSD card, and install raspbian lite 64 bit on it.

Connect, setup Wi-Fi and run somes update

Setup box64

Sadly, Eggnoggplus is a x86_64 program only on linux, and we do not have access to the sources, so well need a little help from an emulator to get it working.

Box64 is a simple x86_64 emulator for other architecture like arm64, it can detect wether you want to start a x86_64 linux elf, and start translating the binary for you, if you need external libraries that exists on arm64, it’ll use them so it won’t have to translate it, you’ll get more performance, very usefull on low power arm cpu like the one on the pi.

wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/box64.list
wget -qO- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/box64-debs-archive-keyring.gpg
apt update
apt install box64-arm64 -y

Setup the screen

Since we installed raspbian lite on the pi, we’ll need to install xorg and set it to auto login on boot, to achieve that, we’ll install nodm and xutils

sudo apt install nodm

Clone the repo of project

git clone

Clone the repo of project

You can then configure nodm or just use the configuration file with this repo

cp /home/pi/eggnoggpi/files/etc/default/* /etc/default/

Download eggnoggplus

To be continued

Then copy the setting file

cp -R files/home/pi/.madgarden /home/pi/

Install the service

To allow eggnogg to start on boot, we install it as a systemd service, you can write your own or just use the one with this repos

    cp files/etc/systemd/system/eggnoggpi.service /etc/systemd/system/eggnoggpi.service
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable eggnoggpi
    systemctl start eggnoggpi

If eggnoggpi doesn’t start with the pi, add this little hack too

    echo "@reboot	root	/sbin/service eggnoggpi start" >> /etc/crontab